我有一個NSManagedObject子類,它的虛擬屬性計算起來很昂貴。該屬性取決於實體的具體屬性之一的值。出於性能方面的原因,我只想在虛擬屬性取決於變化的屬性時計算虛擬屬性的值。如何保留虛擬Core Data屬性?
我注意到我的虛擬財產的訪問者(昂貴的)每次訪問該值都會被調用。保留虛擬財產的計算價值的最佳方法是什麼?是否有一些內置 KVC的一部分,允許我緩存計算值?
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
@interface CDUserPhotos : NSManagedObject
// Core Data attribute
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSData * data;
// Virtual property
@property (readonly) NSArray* photos;
// Changes the value of 'data' property
- (void)refresh;
#import "CDUserPhotos.h"
@implementation CDUserPhotos
// Core data attributes
@dynamic data;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Public
+ (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingPhotos
NSSet* set = [NSMutableSet setWithObjects:@"data", nil];
return set;
#pragma mark -
- (NSArray *)photos
if (self.data)
return [self.data expensiveCalculation]; // We want to prevent calls to this method!
return nil;
- (void)refresh
// some code deleted here. Basically, the value of self.data changes which therefore changes the value of self.photos.
self.data = [self newData]; // not shown
// self.albums.photos is an object of CDUserPhotos (NSManagedObject)
j = self.albums.photos.count; // triggers expensive calculation
k = self.albums.photos.count; // should not trigger expensive calculation
[self.albums refresh];
q = self.albums.photos.count; // triggers expensive calculation