2011-10-20 88 views


Master_ID, Date, Name, Details 
1, 02/10/2011, Bob Smith, example text 
Change_ID, Master_ID, Date, Original, New 
1, 1, 05/10/2011, test, test2 
2, 1, 06/10/2011, chagge, change 
Comment_ID, Master_ID, Date, Text 
1, 1, 05/10/2011, test comment 
2, 1, 05/10/2011, more comment 
3, 1, 06/10/2011, another 


SELECT `Master`.*,`Changes`.*,`Comments`.* 
FROM Master 
JOIN `Changes` USING(Master_ID), 
JOIN `Comments` USING(Master_ID) 
WHERE `Master`.Master_ID = 1 
ORDER BY `Master`.Master_ID,`Changes`.Change_ID,`Comments`.Comment_ID 

當我這樣做時,它會按主ID進行排序,然後依次更改ID和Comment ID。但問題是,我希望它根據主ID進行排序,而評論ID根據更改ID進行排序。我嘗試了幾種不同的排序方式,但我無法按照自己的想法做任何幫助,不勝感激。

UPDATE 我已經添加了樣本輸出,如果你會發現CHANGE_ID列未按升序排列,因爲它相對於排序,以CHANGE_ID不Master_ID

Master_ID Date Name Details Change_ID Master_ID Date Original New Comment_ID Master_ID Date Act of Violence 
118 19/09/2011 13:13 Bob Smith example text 148 118 12/10/2011 10:42 red reder 309 118 19/09/2011 13:13 test! 
118 19/09/2011 13:13 Bob Smith example text 148 118 12/10/2011 10:42 red reder 310 118 19/09/2011 13:14 In Vehicle 
118 19/09/2011 13:13 Bob Smith example text 148 118 12/10/2011 10:42 red reder 311 118 19/09/2011 13:14 act of 
118 19/09/2011 13:13 Bob Smith example text 148 118 12/10/2011 10:42 red reder 339 118 22/09/2011 13:02 blah blah 
118 19/09/2011 13:13 Bob Smith example text 148 118 12/10/2011 10:42 red reder 483 118 12/10/2011 9:24 
118 19/09/2011 13:13 Bob Smith example text 148 118 12/10/2011 10:42 red reder 506 118 12/10/2011 10:42  
118 19/09/2011 13:13 Bob Smith example text 149 118 12/10/2011 10:42 done none 309 118 19/09/2011 13:13 test! 
118 19/09/2011 13:13 Bob Smith example text 149 118 12/10/2011 10:42 done none 310 118 19/09/2011 13:14 In Vehicle 
118 19/09/2011 13:13 Bob Smith example text 149 118 12/10/2011 10:42 done none 311 118 19/09/2011 13:14 act of 
118 19/09/2011 13:13 Bob Smith example text 149 118 12/10/2011 10:42 done none 339 118 22/09/2011 13:02 blah blah 



功能cleanJoin($ mysqlResult,$ parent_key,$ child_key,$ child_table,$ child_fields) {所有字段的名稱的關聯數組$ last_parent = 0; $ last_child = 0; $ ch_ctr = 0;

for ($i = 0; $i < count($mysqlResult); $i++) 
    if ($mysqlResult[$i][$child_key] != $last_child) 
     echo "new child!"; 
     $pr_ctr = count($answer[$i]); 
     foreach ($child_fields as $field => $type) 
      $answer[$pr_ctr][$child_table][$ch_ctr][$field] = $mysqlResult[$i][$field]; 
    if ($mysqlResult[$i][$parent_key] != $last_parent) 
     foreach($mysqlResult[$i] as $field => $value) 
      $answer[$i][$field] = $value; 
    $last_parent = $mysqlResult[$i][$parent_key]; 
    $last_child = $mysqlResult[$i][$child_key]; 

return $answer; 



你必須舉一個例子:它現在給出的輸出你不喜歡,B:你想要的輸出。我不知道如何回答這個問題。 – Johan


我已經添加了示例輸出,我想要演示的是第三個主鍵(Comment_ID)未按升序排列 – KopfaufAchseln



我不知道我是否正確地理解你的問題,但也許在GROUP BY子句WITH ROLLUP修飾符是您正在尋找的答案:http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/group-by-modifiers.html


ORDER BY `Master`.Master_ID,`Changes`.Change_ID,`Comments`.Comment_ID 

GROUP BY `Master`.Master_ID,`Changes`.Change_ID,`Comments`.Comment_ID WITH ROLLUP 
