2014-06-19 113 views





* Slices the original array, starting with start, grabbing every stride elements. 
* For example, slice(A, 3, 4, 5) would return elements 3, 8, 13, and 18 from array A. 
* @param array  The array to be sliced 
* @param start  The starting index 
* @param newLength The length of the final array 
* @param stride The spacing between elements to be selected 
* @return   A sliced copy of the input array 
public double[] slice(double[] array, int start, int newLength, int stride) { 
    double[] newArray = new double[newLength]; 
    int count = 0; 
    for (int i = start; count < newLength && i < array.length; i += stride) { 
     newArray[count++] = array[i]; 
    return newArray; 

* Calculates the fast fourier transform of the given function. The parameters are updated with the calculated values 
* To ignore all imaginary output, leave imaginary null 
* @param real An array representing the real part of a discrete-time function 
* @param imaginary An array representing the imaginary part of a discrete-time function 
* Pre: If imaginary is not null, the two arrays must be the same length, which must be a power of 2 
public void fft(double[] real, double[] imaginary) throws IllegalArgumentException { 
    if (real == null) { 
     throw new NullPointerException("Real array cannot be null"); 

    int N = real.length; 

    // Make sure the length is a power of 2 
    if ((Math.log(N)/Math.log(2)) % 1 != 0) { 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("The array length must be a power of 2"); 

    if (imaginary != null && imaginary.length != N) { 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("The two arrays must be the same length"); 

    if (N == 1) { 

    double[] even_re = slice(real, 0, N/2, 2); 
    double[] odd_re = slice(real, 1, N/2, 2); 

    double[] even_im = null; 
    double[] odd_im = null; 
    if (imaginary != null) { 
     even_im = slice(imaginary, 0, N/2, 2); 
     odd_im = slice(imaginary, 1, N/2, 2); 

    fft(even_re, even_im); 
    fft(odd_re, odd_im); 

    // F[k] = real[k] + imaginary[k] 

    //    even odd 
    //  F[k] = E[k] + O[k] * e^(-i*2*pi*k/N) 
    // F[k + N/2] = E[k] - O[k] * e^(-i*2*pi*k/N) 

    // Split complex arrays into component arrays: 
    // E[k] = er[k] + i*ei[k] 
    // O[k] = or[k] + i*oi[k] 

    // e^ix = cos(x) + i*sin(x) 

    // Let x = -2*pi*k/N 
    // F[k] = er[k] + i*ei[k] + (or[k] + i*oi[k])(cos(x) + i*sin(x)) 
    //  = er[k] + i*ei[k] + or[k]cos(x) + i*or[k]sin(x) + i*oi[k]cos(x) - oi[k]sin(x) 
    //  = (er[k] + or[k]cos(x) - oi[k]sin(x)) + i*(ei[k] + or[k]sin(x) + oi[k]cos(x)) 
    //  {    real    }  {   imaginary   } 

    // F[k + N/2] = (er[k] - or[k]cos(x) + oi[k]sin(x)) + i*(ei[k] - or[k]sin(x) - oi[k]cos(x)) 
    //    {    real    }  {   imaginary   } 

    // Ignoring all imaginary parts (oi = 0): 
    //  F[k] = er[k] + or[k]cos(x) 
    // F[k + N/2] = er[k] - or[k]cos(x) 

    for (int k = 0; k < N/2; ++k) { 
     double t = odd_re[k] * Math.cos(-2 * Math.PI * k/N); 
     real[k]  = even_re[k] + t; 
     real[k + N/2] = even_re[k] - t; 

     if (imaginary != null) { 
      t = odd_im[k] * Math.sin(-2 * Math.PI * k/N); 
      real[k]  -= t; 
      real[k + N/2] += t; 

      double t1 = odd_re[k] * Math.sin(-2 * Math.PI * k/N); 
      double t2 = odd_im[k] * Math.cos(-2 * Math.PI * k/N); 
      imaginary[k]  = even_im[k] + t1 + t2; 
      imaginary[k + N/2] = even_im[k] - t1 - t2; 

第二張圖顯然是錯的;實際輸入應該導致對稱輸出。 –


如果你想驗證你的實現(儘管浮點數值問題),只需編寫一個天真的DFT(約五行代碼),並進行比較。 –


  1. 驗證

    這裏看看:slow DFT,iDFT末是我實現的緩慢DFT的iDFT他們經過測試和正確。我也用它們來快速實現過去的驗證。

  2. 您的代碼


    if (n<=1) { if (n==1) { dst[0]=src[0]*2.0; dst[1]=src[1]*2.0; } return; } 

    所以當你的N==1設置輸出元素Re=2.0*real[0], Im=2.0*imaginary[0]return前。此外,我有點迷失在你複雜的數學運算(t,t1,t2)和懶惰的分析。



void transform::DFFTcc(double *dst,double *src,int n) 
    if (n>N) init(n); 
    if (n<=1) { if (n==1) { dst[0]=src[0]*2.0; dst[1]=src[1]*2.0; } return; } 
    int i,j,n2=n>>1,q,dq=+N/n,mq=N-1; 
    // reorder even,odd (buterfly) 
    for (j=0,i=0;i<n+n;) { dst[j]=src[i]; i++; j++; dst[j]=src[i]; i+=3; j++; } 
    for ( i=2;i<n+n;) { dst[j]=src[i]; i++; j++; dst[j]=src[i]; i+=3; j++; } 
    // recursion 
    DFFTcc(src ,dst ,n2); // even 
    DFFTcc(src+n,dst+n,n2); // odd 
    // reorder and weight back (buterfly) 
    double a0,a1,b0,b1,a,b; 
    for (q=0,i=0,j=n;i<n;i+=2,j+=2,q=(q+dq)&mq) 
     a0=src[j ]; a1=+_cos[q]; 
     b0=src[j+1]; b1=+_sin[q]; 
     a0=src[i ]; a1=a; 
     b0=src[i+1]; b1=b; 
     dst[i ]=(a0+a1)*0.5; 
     dst[j ]=(a0-a1)*0.5; 


double a,da; int i; 
    for (a=0.0,i=0;i<N;i++,a+=da) { _cos[i]=cos(a); _sin[i]=sin(a); } 



void transform::DFTcc(double *dst,double *src,int n) 
    int i,j; 
    double a,b,a0,a1,_n,b0,b1,q,qq,dq; 
    dq=+2.0*M_PI/double(n); _n=2.0/double(n); 
    for (q=0.0,j=0;j<n;j++,q+=dq) 
     a=0.0; b=0.0; 
     for (qq=0.0,i=0;i<n;i++,qq+=q) 
      a0=src[i+i ]; a1=+cos(qq); 
      b0=src[i+i+1]; b1=+sin(qq); 
     dst[j+j ]=a*_n; 

PS。所有代碼都是C++ – Spektre


我會使用像Wolfram Alpha這樣的權威來驗證。

如果我evalute cos(i/2)0 <= i < 32,我得到這個數組:


如果我給作爲輸入Wolfram Alpha的的FFT功能我得到this result
