2017-04-06 62 views

幾個星期前,我就如何在這個位置做一個普通類模塊神話般答案:Class "let" stuck in infinite loop把詞典分成類



Option Explicit 

Private Type categories 
    Temp As scripting.Dictionary 
    Humid As scripting.Dictionary 
    Wind As scripting.Dictionary 
End Type 

Private this As categories 

Public Sub Initialize() 
    Set this.Temp = New scripting.Dictionary 
    Set this.Humid = New scripting.Dictionary 
    Set this.Wind = New scripting.Dictionary 
End Sub 

Public Property Get Temp(ByVal HourIndex As Long) As Double 
    Temp = this.Temp(HourIndex) 
End Property 

Public Property Let Temp(ByVal HourIndex As Long, ByVal Value As Double) 
    this.Temp(HourIndex) = Value 
End Property 

Public Property Get Humid(ByVal HourIndex As Long) As Double 
    Humid = this.Humid(HourIndex) 
End Property 

Public Property Let Humid(ByVal HourIndex As Long, ByVal Value As Double) 
    this.Humid(HourIndex) = Value 
End Property 

Public Property Get Wind(ByVal HourIndex As Long) As Double 
    Wind = this.Wind(HourIndex) 
End Property 

Public Property Let Wind(ByVal HourIndex As Long, ByVal Value As Double) 
    this.Wind(HourIndex) = Value 
End Property 

然後我試着用set tester = new WeatherData(模塊的名稱)和Initialize測試這在即時窗口。這沒有用。然後我修改初始化爲:

Public Sub Initialize(ByVal variable As categories) 
    Set variable.Temp = New scripting.Dictionary 
    Set variable.Humid = New scripting.Dictionary 
    Set variable.Wind = New scripting.Dictionary 
End Sub 

,進入Initialize tester,但這並沒有工作,要麼(「編譯錯誤:子或未定義功能」)。



Option Explicit 

Private Type categories 
    Temp(23) As Double 
    Humid(23) As Double 
    wind(23) As Double 
End Type 

Private this As categories 

Public Property Get Temp(ByVal HourIndex As Long) As Double 
    Temp = this.Temp(HourIndex) 
End Property 

Public Property Let Temp(ByVal HourIndex As Long, ByVal Value As Double) 
    this.Temp(HourIndex) = Value 
End Property 

Public Property Get Humid(ByVal HourIndex As Long) As Double 
    Humid = this.Humid(HourIndex) 
End Property 

Public Property Let Humid(ByVal HourIndex As Long, ByVal Value As Double) 
    this.Humid(HourIndex) = Value 
End Property 

Public Property Get wind(ByVal HourIndex As Long) As Double 
    wind = this.WindChill(HourIndex) 
End Property 

Public Property Let wind(ByVal HourIndex As Long, ByVal Value As Double) 
    this.wind(HourIndex) = Value 
End Property 



「它不起作用」並不完全是一個明確的問題陳述,但是Temp,Humid和Wind都暴露爲Double,你不能將它們分配給Dictionary '參考... –


我這樣做是因爲它將成爲雙打字典,儘管我不知道它是否會讓我得到任何地方。那麼這會作爲一個數組工作嗎?我編輯補充說,返回的錯誤是關於'Initialize'的編譯錯誤。 –


'Initialize'方法是'WeatherData'的成員? –





Option Explicit 
Private values As Scripting.Dictionary 

Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
    Set values = New Scripting.Dictionary 
End Sub 

Public Property Get Something(ByVal key As String) As Double 
    Something = values(key) 
End Property 

Public Property Let Something(ByVal key As String, ByVal value As Double) 
    values(key) = value 
End Property 

你保持安全的封裝爲您的類的實現細節的字典(外部代碼不能將它們設置爲Nothing,例如),並揭露一個索引Get + Let每個封裝字典的屬性,它將索引(/ key)作爲參數。


Set data = New WeatherData 
With data 
    .Temp("day 1") = 76 
    .Temp("day 2") = 78 
    .Humid("day 1") = 0.55 
    .Humid("day 2") = 0.61 
    .Wind("day 1") = 0.92 
    .Wind("day 2") = 1.27 
End With 

,然後檢索的"day 1"溫度與data.Temp("day 1")

至於你的初始化方法,它需要從一個類的實例稱爲 - 作爲一個實例方法

因此,而不是Initialize tester你應該做了tester.Initialize

無論你使內部封裝的存儲陣列,CollectionDictionary使得調用代碼沒有區別 - 這是一個封裝的實現細節:類可能只是以及存儲爲.csv文件或到一個數據庫中的數據如果它想要的話。


我有這個工作了一會兒,我興奮起來,但後來停止了。我把你的代碼放在你的代碼中,然後在直接窗口中,我設置了tester = new weatherdata,然後是'debug.print tester.values.count',我得到一個消息,說明該對象不支持該屬性/方法。 –


'values'是'Private',你不能從外部訪問它(它是整個點!) - 如果你的外部代碼需要知道有多少值,那麼你需要暴露'TempItemCount','' HumidItemCount'和'WindItemCount'屬性返回相應內部集合的'.Count'。 –


好吧,所以我想我錯過的是我引用類中的函數,而不是字典對象?我不需要訪問'.count',我只是將它用作測試設備來查看代碼是否工作。但是,不是'debug.print tester.values',而是適當的形式是'tester.something(key)'?如果我想要放入多個字典,我會同時聲明'values'和'values2',然後將'something2'與'something2'完全一樣,除了作用於'values2'? –



Private Type categories 
    Temp As Object 
    Humid As Object 
    Wind As Object 
End Type 

Private this As categories 

Public Sub Initialize() 
    Set this.Temp = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 
    Set this.Humid = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 
    Set this.Wind = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 
End Sub 


Public Function SetTemp(ByVal HourIndex As Long, ByVal Value As Double) 
    this.Temp(HourIndex) = Value 
End Function 


Sub test() 
    Dim multi As Dictionaries 
    Set multi = New Dictionaries 


    multi.SetTemp 13, 25.522 
    Debug.Print multi.Temp(13) 
End Sub 



只要參考值已設定,他就沒有理由遲到。有機會,但參考只是設置不正確。 –