2016-09-30 24 views


A   B   C 
1 A_record1 
2 A_record2 
3 A_record3 
4 B_record1 
5 B_record2 
6 B_record3 


A   B   C 
1 A_record1 A_record2 A_record3 
2 B_record1 B_record2 B_record3 

的代碼我有填充CSV在第一個例子是.. 。

//divided xpath In three parts to pass Row_count and Col_count values. 
String firstPart = "//div[@id='lwDataGrid']/table/tbody/tr["; 
String secondPart = "]/td["; 
String thirdPart = "]"; 

//Row and Column counts 
int rowCount = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//div[@id='lwDataGrid']/table/tbody/tr[*]")).Count - 3; 
int colCount = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//div[@id='lwDataGrid']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td")).Count; 
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(rowCount + ": This is the number of rows in the table"); 
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(colCount + ": This is the number of columns in the table"); 

string path = @"C:\...\my.csv"; 

for (int j = 2; j <= colCount; j++) 
    //Used for loop for number of columns. 
    for (int i = 4; i <= rowCount; i++) 
     //Prepared final xpath of specific cell as per values of i and j. 
     String finalXpath = firstPart + i + secondPart + j + thirdPart; 
     //Will retrieve value from located cell and print It. 
     String tableData = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(finalXpath)).Text; 
     using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path)) 

的最終目標是到這個CSV比較另一個「期望的結果」 CSV檢查,在UI表中的數據如預期。如果有比比較兩個文件更有效的方法,即使用數組來比較結果csv,我願意提供建議。




從改變你的代碼 -

for (int j = 2; j <= colCount; j++) 
    //Used for loop for number of columns. 
    for (int i = 4; i <= rowCount; i++) 
     //Prepared final xpath of specific cell as per values of i and j. 
     String finalXpath = firstPart + i + secondPart + j + thirdPart; 
     //Will retrieve value from located cell and print It. 
     String tableData = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(finalXpath)).Text; 
     using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path)) 


for (int j = 2; j <= colCount; j++) 
      using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path)) 
       string line = string.Empty; 
       //Used for loop for number of columns. 
       for (int i = 4; i <= rowCount; i++) 
        //Prepared final xpath of specific cell as per values of i and j. 
        String finalXpath = firstPart + i + secondPart + j + thirdPart; 
        //Will retrieve value from located cell and print It. 
        String tableData = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(finalXpath)).Text; 
        line = line + string.Format("{0},",tableData); 

輝煌,謝謝!儘管我現在需要處理不同的列值,因爲第3列數據有一個逗號分隔的數字(即51,100.00),它分成兩列。 – alex


實際上,只是試圖用引號包裝tabledata,它的工作原理即line = line + string.Format(「{0},」,「\」「+ tableData +」\「」); – alex


除了用逗號分隔的文件,您可以使用管道符號或任何未用作數據一部分的符號。然後,在導入文件時,您可以將該符號指定爲分隔符。 –