2013-03-31 115 views

我想通過已輸入的姓氏來排序這個單鏈表。我想我可能會嘗試冒泡排序,但我遇到了第二個元素遍歷列表並且進行比較的問題。該列表現在僅包含3個名稱作爲控制檯條目,但完成後應包含10個名稱。任何幫助將不勝感激。按第二個節點元素對單獨鏈接列表排序。 Java

package LinkedList; 

import java.util.*; 

class SLinkedList 

    public String data1; 
    public String data2; 
    public SLinkedList next; 

    public SLinkedList() 
     data1 = ""; 
     data2 = ""; 
     next = null; 
    public SLinkedList(String value1, String value2) 
     data1 = value1; 
     data2 = value2; 
     next = null; 
    public SLinkedList InsertNext(String value1, String value2) 
     SLinkedList node = new SLinkedList(value1, value2); 
     if(this.next == null) 
     // Easy to handle 
     node.next = null; // already set in constructor 
     this.next = node; 
     // Insert in the middle 
     SLinkedList temp = this.next; 
     node.next = temp; 
     this.next = node; 
     return node; 

    public int DeleteNext() 
     if(next == null) 
     return 0; 
     SLinkedList node = this.next; 
     this.next = this.next.next; // can be NULL here 
     node = null; 
     return 1; 
    public void Traverse(SLinkedList node) 
     if(node == null) 
     node = this; 
     System.out.println("\nTraversing in Forward Direction\n"); 
     while(node != null) 
     System.out.println(node.data1 + " " + node.data2); 
     node = node.next; 
    public void bubbleSort(SLinkedList node) { 
     if(node == null) 
      node = this; 
     String current; 
     String second; 
     String temp; 
     System.out.println("Attemptint to sort..."); 
     while(node != null) 
      current = node.data2; 
      node = node.next; 
      second = node.data2; 
      System.out.println(current + " " + second); 
      if(current.compareTo(second) < 0) { 

       System.out.println("greater than zero"); 

      node = null; 
      //node = node.next; 


     public static void main(String[] args) 

     String firstName; 
     String lastName; 
     Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); 
     System.out.print("Enter names in the format of: 'Ed King' with" 
       + " a single space in between."); 
     firstName = sc.next(); 
     lastName = sc.next(); 
     SLinkedList node1 = new SLinkedList(firstName, lastName); 
     System.out.print("Enter second name: "); 
     firstName = sc.next(); 
     lastName = sc.next(); 
     SLinkedList node2 = node1.InsertNext(firstName, lastName); 
     System.out.print("Enter third name: "); 
     firstName = sc.next(); 
     lastName = sc.next(); 
     SLinkedList node3 = node2.InsertNext(firstName, lastName); 



我不會在這裏發表一個答案,但是對於這種情況,最好使用[Insertion Sort](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort)。 –




  • 你實現冒泡排序是根本錯誤的。泡泡排序需要嵌套循環。

  • 鑑於您設計數據結構的方式,氣泡排序方法必須返回列表的新開始。

  • 不要用大寫字母開始方法名稱。這是Java而不是C#。

  • 如果您無法想象您的代碼正在做什麼,請使用調試器對其進行單步操作並觀察狀態如何改變。



