我身邊快速查看後猜解是相當不錯的簡單(謝謝你jQuery的!!): 只要你序列化的形式擁有的一切,並張貼回來從你的AJAX調用控制器:
這是我自己的全面實施阿賈克斯來電 有3個功能(你會打電話給SimplAjaxPost(URL,funcDelegate),它會做休息,你
function Ajax(url, dataObj, getOrPost, theContext, theContentType, theDataType, successFuncName, failedFuncName, alwaysFuncName)
//GET or POST:
if (getOrPost == null) { getOrPost = 'POST'; }
//Header (what we're sending to the server): http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2722750/ajax-datatype
if (theContentType == null) { theContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'; }
//response (what we're expeting in return):http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2722750/ajax-datatype
if (theDataType == null) { theDataType = ""; }
//exposing "this" to whatever: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5097191/ajax-context-option
if (theContext == null) { theContext = document.body; }
var theURL = NoCache(url);
url: theURL,
data: dataObj,
type: getOrPost,
contentType: theContentType,
dataType: theDataType,
context: theContext,
async: false,
success: successFuncName,
fail: failedFuncName,
always: alwaysFuncName,
complete: AjaxScripts
function SimpleAjax(url, successFunctionName)
var dataObj = null;
Ajax(url, dataObj, null, null, null, null, successFunctionName, null, null)
function SimpleAjaxPost(url, successFunctionName)
var dataObj = null;
if ($("form").length == 1)
dataObj = $("form").serializeArray();
Ajax(url, dataObj, null, null, null, null, successFunctionName, null, null)
function NoCache(url)
var t = new Date();
var qps = "?";
if (url.indexOf("?") > 0)
qps = "&";
return url + qps + t.getYear() + t.getMonth() + t.getDay() + t.getHours() + t.getMinutes() + t.getSeconds() + t.getMilliseconds();
爲什麼不你用 'Ajax.BeginForm()'? – Marthijn
是的,也嘗試過......看起來像大多數同事和海報在這裏贊成自己做AJAX位。無論如何,我找到了一個工作;所以我只是把它放在下面。不過謝謝你;-) – DotNet98
在你的SimpleAjax方法中顯示什麼。也許你沒有在那裏設置數據? – CoffeeCode