$playerstats1="SELECT * from users where username='$player'";
$playerstats2=mysql_query($playerstats1) or die ("Could not find player");
$pokemonstat1="SELECT * from user_pokemon where belongsto='$player' AND slot='1'";
$pokemonstat2=mysql_query($pokemonstat1) or die ("Could not find pokemon");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($pokemonstat2)){
$yourmonster="SELECT * from pokemon where name='".$row['pokemon']."'";
$yourmonster2=mysql_query($yourmonster) or die ("Cannot select battle the pokemon");
$selmonster="SELECT * from pokemon where name='$monstername'";
$selmonster2=mysql_query($selmonster) or die ("Cannot select battle the pokemon");
$totalskill=$yourmonster3[att] * $row['level'] + $selmonster3[att] * 5;
if($randomnumber<=$yourmonster3[att] * $row['level'])
echo "<center>";
echo "you have won!";
echo "</center>";
} else {
echo "<center>";
echo "you have lost!";
echo "</center>";
$battle_id = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
echo $battle_id;
// $battle_id would be something like 9a8ab59df7079208843086e9b49a7862
// initialise the battle log
if(!isset($_SESSION['battle_log']) || !is_array($_SESSION['battle_log']))
$_SESSION['battle_log'] = array();
// Check if the battle hasn't been played
if(!in_array($battle_id, $_SESSION['battle_log']))
// add played battle to the log
// ... your battle code goes here
$playerstats1="SELECT * from users where username='$player'";
$playerstats2=mysql_query($playerstats1) or die ("Could not find player");
$pokemonstat1="SELECT * from user_pokemon where belongsto='$player' AND slot='1'";
$pokemonstat2=mysql_query($pokemonstat1) or die ("Could not find pokemon");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($pokemonstat2)){
$yourmonster="SELECT * from pokemon where name='".$row['pokemon']."'";
$yourmonster2=mysql_query($yourmonster) or die ("Cannot select battle the pokemon");
$selmonster="SELECT * from pokemon where name='$monstername'";
$selmonster2=mysql_query($selmonster) or die ("Cannot select battle the pokemon");
$totalskill=$yourmonster3[att] * $row['level'] + $selmonster3[att] * 5;
if($randomnumber<=$yourmonster3[att] * $row['level'])
echo "<center>";
echo "you have won!";
echo "</center>";
} else {
echo "<center>";
echo "you have lost!";
echo "</center>";
$_SESSION['battle_log'][] = $battle_id;
}else {
echo "Don't try to cheat...";
您可以將它們轉發到其他頁面並在其中顯示結果。除了在會話中存儲一段時間或其他東西以防止他們再次進行戰鬥直到存儲的時間。 – 2013-04-06 04:28:29