2015-01-15 32 views

該項目:在python中編寫一個程序,其中虛擬經銷商Jake與虛擬球員:Mike和Will進行比賽。 Mike和Will可以在不同的支付率下以不同的結果進行賭注。這將允許比較各種策略。你應該跟蹤每個玩家的銀行擲骰子(包括經銷商) 這個遊戲是用一個7號模子玩的,數字[0-6]數字[1,2,3]是藍色和數字[4,5,6]是綠色的。獲取相互作用的功能

校驗正確自付:2/1 正確的顏色自付:2/1 確切個數自付:5/1


from random import choice 
from random import randint 

class die_face(): 
    # This class is used to define the properties linked to each outcome on the dice. 
    def __init__(self, num, colour, parity): 
     self.num = num 
     self.colour = colour 
     self.parity = parity 

# Determine the properties linked to each outcome on the dice. 
zero = die_face(0, 'none', 'none') 
one = die_face(1, 'blue', 'odd') 
two = die_face(2, 'blue', 'even') 
three = die_face(3, 'blue', 'odd') 
four = die_face(4, 'green', 'even') 
five = die_face(5, 'green', 'odd') 
six = die_face(6, 'green', 'even') 

options = [zero, one, two, three, four, five, six,] 

class bet(): 
    # Define the bets 
    def __init__(self, bet_type, odds): 
     self.bet_type = bet_type 
     self.odds = odds 

num_bet = bet('num', 5) 
colour_bet = bet('colour', 2) 
parity_bet = bet('parity', 2) 

class broker(): 
    # Define the properties of the broker. 
    def __init__(self, name, balance): 
     self.name = name 
     self.balance = balance 

    def __str__(self): 
     result = "Name:  {} \n" \ 
       "Balance: {}" .format(self.name, self.balance) 
     return result 

    def modify_balance(self, amount): 
     self.balance += amount 

main_broker = broker('Main',1e3) 

def random_strategy(): 
    # Bet a random amount on a random game with a random guess. 
    guess = 'empty' 
    game_mode= choice([num_bet, colour_bet, parity_bet]) 
    if game_mode == num_bet: 
     guess = randint(0,6) 
    elif game_mode == colour_bet: 
     guess = choice(['blue','green']) 
    elif game_mode == parity_bet: 
     guess = choice(['even','odd']) 
    value = randint(1,10) 
    return game_mode , value, guess 

class player(): 
    # This class defines each player 
     def __init__(self, name, strategy, bank_roll): 
      self.name = name 
      self.strategy = strategy 
      self.bank_roll = bank_roll 

     def modify_balance(self, amount): 
      self.bank_roll += amount 

     def __str__(self): 
      result = "Name:  {} \n" \ 
        "Bank Roll: {}" .format(self.name, self.bank_roll) 
      return result 

     def play(self): 
      return self.strategy() 

# Add the players 
Will = player("Will",random_strategy,100) 

def dealer(type, bet_value, guess): 
    #Roll the dice 
    correct = choice(options) 
    #Return amount based on Win or Lose 
    if type == num_bet.bet_type: 
     if correct.num == guess: 
      return num_bet.odds * bet_value - bet_value 
      return -bet_value 

    if type == colour_bet.bet_type: 
     if correct.colour == guess: 
      return colour_bet.odds * bet_value - bet_value 
      return -bet_value 

    if type == parity_bet.bet_type: 
     if correct.parity == guess: 
      return parity_bet.odds * bet_value - bet_value 
      return -bet_value 

def main_play(player): 
    # Collect the bets from the players 
    bets = player.play() 
    # Roll and return bets 
    amount = dealer(bets[0].bet_type, bets[1], bets[2]) 
    # Distribute the money 






那麼這個經銷商和玩家會如何互動呢?它只是一個跟蹤經紀人交易的工具嗎? – shogun000 2015-01-15 16:45:01


投注表或棋盤就是執行一個遊戲並在遊戲過程中作爲資金的持有者。所以:1)投注,2)擲骰子,3)基於結果付出,重複。每個玩家都有一個賭注。經銷商下注0 - 它是支付的桌子,而不是經銷商。 (但莊家有特殊的規則可供玩。)所以投注表就是執行轉牌的地方。這使得穩定的狀態驅動的機器。 – Harvey 2015-01-15 18:35:00