我必須按照視頻中的說明製作測驗應用程序。我遵循指示並製作應用程序。幾乎一切正常,但在測驗結束時我沒有得分。 Web控制檯顯示的代碼(用粗體字16行)的以下部分類型錯誤:TypeError:q未定義(在JS中)
var currentQuestion = 0;
var score = 0;
var totQuestions = questions.length;
var container = document.getElementById('quizContainer');
var questionEl = document.getElementById('question');
var opt1 = document.getElementById('opt1');
var opt2 = document.getElementById('opt2');
var opt3 = document.getElementById('opt3');
var opt4 = document.getElementById('opt4');
var nextButton = document.getElementById('nextButton');
var resultCont = document.getElementById('result');
function loadQuestion (questionIndex) {
var q = questions[questionIndex];
**questionEl.textContent = (questionIndex + 1) + '. ' + q.question;**
opt1.textContent = q.option1;
opt2.textContent = q.option2;
opt3.textContent = q.option3;
opt4.textContent = q.option4;
function loadNextQuestion() {
var selectedOption = document.querySelector('input[type=radio]:checked');
alert('Please select your answer!');
var answer = selectedOption.value;
if(questions[currentQuestion].answer ==answer){
score += 10;
selectedOption.checked = false;
if(currentQuestion == totQuestions - 1){
nextButton.textContent = 'Finish';
if(currentQuestion == totQuestions){
container.style.display = 'none';
resultCont.style.display = '';
resultCont.textContent = 'Your score: ' + score;
任何人都可以請指出錯誤? 這裏是其中問題定義的文件:
var questions = [{
"question": "Why do we use the present simple tense?",
"option1": "General truths and facts",
"option2": "Complete action",
"option3": "Continuous action",
"option4": "Continuous action linked with past",
"answer": "1"
}, {
"question": "Why do we use the present continuous tense?",
"option1": "General truths and facts",
"option2": "Complete action",
"option3": "Continuous action",
"option4": "Continuous action linked with past",
"answer": "3"
}, {
"question": "Why do we use the present perfect tense?",
"option1": "General truths and facts",
"option2": "Complete action",
"option3": "Continuous action",
"option4": "Continuous action linked with past",
"answer": "2"
}, {
"question": "Why do we use the present perfect continuous tense?",
"option1": "General truths and facts",
"option2": "Complete action",
"option3": "Continuous action",
"option4": "Continuous action linked with past",
"answer": "4"
什麼是「問題」,它來自哪裏? – Craicerjack
什麼是「問題」?你傳遞給函數的是什麼? – Li357
@Craicerjack我只發佈了代碼的錯誤部分,以避免我的問題被擱置或關閉。我應該發佈整個代碼嗎? –