我正在使用此代碼在互聯網上找到要將多個文件上傳到Amazon S3服務器。異步任務完成時收到通知
const AWS = require("aws-sdk"); // from AWS SDK
const fs = require("fs"); // from node.js
const path = require("path"); // from node.js
// configuration
const config = {
s3BucketName: 'your.s3.bucket.name',
folderPath: '../dist' // path relative script's location
// initialize S3 client
const s3 = new AWS.S3({ signatureVersion: 'v4' });
// resolve full folder path
const distFolderPath = path.join(__dirname, config.folderPath);
// get of list of files from 'dist' directory
fs.readdir(distFolderPath, (err, files) => {
if(!files || files.length === 0) {
console.log(`provided folder '${distFolderPath}' is empty or does not exist.`);
console.log('Make sure your project was compiled!');
// for each file in the directory
for (const fileName of files) {
// get the full path of the file
const filePath = path.join(distFolderPath, fileName);
// ignore if directory
if (fs.lstatSync(filePath).isDirectory()) {
// read file contents
fs.readFile(filePath, (error, fileContent) => {
// if unable to read file contents, throw exception
if (error) { throw error; }
// upload file to S3
Bucket: config.s3BucketName,
Key: fileName,
Body: fileContent
}, (res) => {
console.log(`Successfully uploaded '${fileName}'!`);
你爲什麼不使用res作爲通知來運行另一個進程? – SILENT
每次上傳新文件時都會調用res。 – doej
那麼?所有上傳完成後,您的提問是否詢問有關通知? – SILENT