2017-06-15 192 views


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<a href="#"> 
    <section class="gallery-main"> 
    <div class="container-fluid vertical-center"> 
     <div class="row"> 
     <div class="col-sm-12 col-sm-offset-8"> 
      <p>We create everlasting memories.</p> 
     <!-- end col --> 
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     <div class="col-sm-12 col-sm-offset-10"> 
      <p class="larger-font">Working with natural wonders to illustrate the clean lines of modern design.</p> 
     <!-- end col --> 
     <!-- row --> 
    <!-- hero --> 





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/* Don't use rotate effect for section wrapper */ 


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這就是我一直纏鬥着,試圖找出如何在後臺分配給不同的標籤,或重新分配標籤只有花傾斜而不是整個部分標籤。 – Dino


查看上面的代碼示例。我將背景分配給了僞元素:before for your first section。你也可以在https://jsfiddle.net/p1fzvvuL/3/ –


上看到現場示例謝謝@Ihor,我將如何去做花的傾斜而不是整個背景。我不想看到背景的白色部分。 – Dino