我有一個數組$ scans。我想用該數組中的所有值查詢MySQL,並將結果返回到數組中。例如,在掃描樣本數據將是:PHP/mysql:使用數組查詢MySQL並在數組中獲取結果
具有字段part, size, length, plate, side, type
是該部分的大小結果,1是長度等,我希望數組可以通過MYSQL查詢進行排序。 (訂購SIDE desc, PLATE asc
foreach ($scans as $currentscan) {
$partselect = substr(mysql_real_escape_string($currentscan), 0, 5);
$query = "SELECT french, length, plate, side, type FROM parts WHERE part = '$partselect' ORDER BY side DESC, plate ASC LIMIT 1";
$result = mysql_query($query);
#echo 'query is '.$query.' <br>';
$error = mysql_error();
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($num_rows == 0) {
echo 'BAD PART: '.$currentscan.' '.$partselect.' error is '.$error.'<br \>
} else {
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
print $partselect.' is a '.$row['french'].'/'.$row['length'].' - '.$row['type'].' - '.$row['plate'].'('.$row['side'].')<br \>';
$scans = explode("\n",$_POST['scans']);
foreach ($scans as $currentscan) {
if ($currentscan[0] == "E") { //this is a cheap trick to ignore a bad scan inherent in the scanning mechanism
$partselect = substr(mysql_real_escape_string($currentscan), 0, 5);
$tempQuery .= 'part = "'.$partselect.'" OR ';
};//end foreach
$tempQuery = substr($tempQuery, 0, -3); //remove last OR (fixed substr to 0,-3 to scrip final OR - stephen)
$tempQuery .= ") ORDER BY side DESC, plate ASC LIMIT 1"; //add on end of query
$query = "SELECT french, length, plate, side, type FROM parts WHERE ".$tempQuery;
$result = mysql_query($query);
echo $result;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
print $row['french']."/".$row['length']; //just doing something pointless to verify data was pulled.
第35行是 while($ row = mysql_fetch_array($ result)){
if (!$_POST) { // Have scans been entered? If not, display the form.
print '
<form action="index.php" method="post">
<textarea rows="20" cols="6" name="scans" id="scans">
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
} else { //Scans have been entered. Start scan processing logic
mysql_connect(SQLSERVER, SQLUSER, SQLPASSWORD) or die("Can not connect to DB server.");
mysql_select_db(DATABASE) or die("Can not connect to Database.");
$scans = explode("\n",$_POST['scans']); // Explode posted scans into scans array
foreach ($scans as $currentscan) { // step through each scan
if ($currentscan[0] == "E") { //Cheap check for real part numbers.
$partselect = substr(mysql_real_escape_string($currentscan), 0, 5); // Strip off the extraneous data from the scan
$count{$partselect}++; //Count instances of particular parts. ideally this would be in an array in the form of $count[$partnumber] so I can easily display that data at the end. each part needs to be displayed every time it's scanned.
$tempQuery .= 'part = "'.$partselect.'" OR '; //Starts building query
};//end foreach
$tempQuery = substr($tempQuery, 0, -3); //remove last OR
$tempQuery .= ") ORDER BY side DESC, plate ASC"; //add on end of query
$query = "SELECT part, french, length, plate, side, type FROM parts WHERE (".$tempQuery; //Form beginning of query
$result = mysql_query($query);// execute query
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ // step through results
for ($i = 0; $i < $count{$row['part']}; $i++) { //if a part was scanned $count{$row['part']} times, display it that many times
print $row['part']." ".$row['french']."/".$row['length']." ".$row['plate']."(".$row['side'].")<br>"; //data parsing goes here. this will be expanded.
};// close for loop
};//close while loop
};//close else
讓我們看看你的代碼! – BoltClock 2010-08-17 18:11:36
Stephen想要查看構建的查詢。這可能不完全正確。在迭代之前,請檢查num_rows以查看是否有結果。 – Chris 2010-08-17 20:45:54