2016-06-30 111 views



@ECHO Off 
CD %~dp0 
Goto DisableLocal 

IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Server\" (
    GOTO Server 
) ELSE (
GOTO Config 

如何用GUI或命令行創建SFX文件?你有沒有使用SFX選項? – Hackoo


我用了gui。發現它在做什麼,但我仍然不知道爲什麼。當我啓動SFX並運行它時,它將%ProgramFiles%視爲32位,所以它引用/ Program Files(x86)/,當我運行批處理文件時,它的64位。 – ENorum



對於64位Windows環境變量PROGRAMFILES執行32位應用程序是由Windows作爲微軟在MSDN文章WOW64 Implementation Details解釋設置爲環境變量PROGRAMFILES(x86)的值

The WinRAR SFX歸檔文件很明顯是使用x86 SFX模塊創建的。 SFX歸檔文件也可以使用x64 SFX模塊創建,但是這個SFX歸檔文件只能在Windows x64上執行。

如果使用x86 SFX模塊創建歸檔文件,批處理文件在32位環境中使用32位cmd.exe執行。


CD /D "%~dp0" 
GOTO DisableLocal 

SET "ServerPath=%ProgramFiles%\Server\" 
IF EXIST "%ServerPath%" GOTO Server 

REM Is batch file processed in 32-bit environment on 64-bit Windows? 
REM This is not the case if there is no variable ProgramFiles(x86) 
REM because variable ProgramFiles(x86) exists only on 64-bit Windows. 
IF "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" == "" GOTO Config 

REM On 64-bit Windows 7 and later 64-bit Windows there is the variable 
REM ProgramW6432 with folder path of 64-bit program files folder. 
IF NOT "%ProgramW6432%" == "" (
    SET "ServerPath=%ProgramW6432%\Server\" 
    IF EXIST "%ProgramW6432%\Server\" GOTO Server 

REM For Windows x64 prior Windows 7 x64 and Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 
REM get 64-bit program files folder from 32-bit program files folder 
REM with removing the last 6 characters from folder path, i.e. " (x86)". 
SET "ServerPath=%ProgramFiles:~0,-6%\Server\" 
IF EXIST "%ServerPath%" GOTO Server 

ECHO Need configuration. 

ECHO Server path is: %ServerPath%