#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int stay_length (int stay)
int nights = stay;
int total = 0*nights;
return total;
int rooms_booking(int rooms)
int rooms_booked = rooms;
int total = 0;
if(rooms_booked > 0)
total = rooms_booked * 50;
total = 0;
return total;
int main(){
int x;
string repeat;
int nights;
int total = 0;
int rooms_avail = 10;
int rooms;
cout << "Hello! Welcome to Hotel COMP 150." << endl;
do {
if (rooms_avail > 0) {
cout << "How many nights will you be staying?" << endl;
else {
cout << "Sorry, but there are no rooms available. " << endl;
do {
cin >> nights;
if (nights > 0 && nights <= 28)
int total1 = stay_length(nights);
cout << "You are staying for " << nights << " nights" << endl;
cout << "That costs: $" << total1 << endl;
total = total + total1;
cout << "You cannot stay less than 1 or more than 28 nights" << endl;
} while (nights <= 0 || nights >28);
if (rooms_avail > 0)
cout << "How many rooms will you be booking?" << endl;
cout << "There are " << rooms_avail << " available." << endl;
cin >> rooms;
if (rooms > 0 && rooms <= rooms_avail)
int total2 = rooms_booking(rooms);
cout << "You are booking " << rooms << " rooms." << endl;
cout << "That costs : $" << total2 << endl;
total = total + total2;
rooms_avail = rooms_avail - rooms;
else if (rooms <= 0 || rooms > rooms_avail)
cout << "You can only book a minimum of 1 room or a maximum of " << rooms_avail << endl;
cin >> rooms;
} while (rooms <= 0 || rooms > rooms_avail);
int total2 = rooms_booking(rooms);
cout << "You are booking " << rooms << " rooms." << endl;
cout << "That costs : $" << total2 << endl;
total = total + total2;
rooms_avail = rooms_avail - rooms;
cout << "You cannot book more than " << rooms_avail << endl;
cout << "Sorry, all rooms have been booked." << endl;
cout << "Your total so far is: $" << total << endl;
cout << "Would you like to make another booking? Enter 'Y' or 'y' to do so." << endl;
cin >> repeat;
}while(repeat == "Y" || repeat == "y");
return 0;
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