public interface Course {
* returns the number of units (hours) a specific course is
public int units();
* returns the number of students signed up for the course
public int numOfStudents();
* returns the maximum number of students the course can have signed up to it
public int maxNumStudents();
* returns whether or not the student is enrolled in the course
public boolean registered(Student s);
* enrolls s in the course
* @pre this.registered(s) == false
* @pre this.numOfStudents() < this.maxNumStudents()
* @post this.registered(s) == true
* @post this.numOfStudents() == $prev(this.numOfStudents()) + 1
public void register(Student s);
public interface Student {
* enrolls the student in course c
* @pre c.registered(this) == false
* @pre c.numOfStudents() < c.maxNumStudents()
* @pre this.totalUnits() + c.units() <= 10
* @post c.registered(s) == true
* @post this.totalUnits() == $prev(this.totalUnits()) + c.units()
public void register(Course c);
* return the total number of units this student currently is enrolled in
* @pre true
* @post 0 <= $ret <= 10
public int totalUnits();
在上面的場景中,我需要第三個類,它們實際上將它們組合到一個工作系統中。它的醜陋,因爲從現在起,上面的定義是鬆散耦合的 - student.register(c)只改變學生對象,而course.register(s)只改變課程對象。所以統一類將不得不運行s.register(c)和c.register(s)。