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function WalkHTML (xray, selector, scope, filters) {
return function walkHTML ($, fn) {
walk(selector, function (v, k, next) {
if (typeof v === 'string') {
var value = resolve($, root(scope), v, filters)
return next(null, value)
} else if (typeof v === 'function') {
return v($, function (err, obj) {
if (err) return next(err)
return next(null, obj)
} else if (isArray(v)) {
if (typeof v[0] === 'string') {
return next(null, resolve($, root(scope), v, filters))
} else if (typeof v[0] === 'object') {
var $scope = $.find ? $.find(scope) : $(scope)
var pending = $scope.length
var out = []
// Handle the empty result set (thanks @jenbennings!)
if (!pending) return next(null, out)
$scope.each(function (i, el) {
var $innerscope = $scope.eq(i)
var node = xray(scope, v[0])
node($innerscope, function (err, obj) {
if (err) return next(err)
out[i] = obj
if (!--pending) {
return next(null, compact(out))
// Nested crawling broken on 'master'. When to merge 'bugfix/nested-crawling' #111, Needed to exit this without calling next, the problem was that it returned to the "finished" callback before it had retrived all pending request. it should wait for "return next(null, compact(out))"
return next()
}, function (err, obj) {
if (err) return fn(err)
fn(null, obj, $)