Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is F224-008C
Directory of C:\Users\foo
18.07.2013 09:42 <DIR> .
18.07.2013 09:42 <DIR> ..
17.07.2013 12:27 <DIR> ipch
17.07.2013 16:41 <DIR> QtTab
18.07.2013 09:42 21.450.752 QtTab.sdf
11.07.2013 11:17 882 QtTab.sln
11.07.2013 11:22 <DIR> Win32
2 File(s) 21.451.634 bytes
5 Dir(s) 103.678.271.488 bytes free
'qmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Users\foo>cd qttab
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is F224-008C
Directory of C:\Users\foo
17.07.2013 16:41 <DIR> .
17.07.2013 16:41 <DIR> ..
17.07.2013 16:42 <DIR> Debug
17.07.2013 16:41 <DIR> GeneratedFiles
17.07.2013 16:41 308 main.cpp
11.07.2013 11:17 130 qttab.cpp
11.07.2013 11:17 254 qttab.h
11.07.2013 11:17 65 qttab.qrc
17.07.2013 16:41 1.353 qttab.ui
11.07.2013 11:17 10.830 QtTab.vcxproj
11.07.2013 11:17 2.659 QtTab.vcxproj.filters
11.07.2013 11:22 609 QtTab.vcxproj.user
11.07.2013 11:17 <DIR> Resources
17.07.2013 12:28 1.994 foo.ui
9 File(s) 18.202 bytes
5 Dir(s) 103.678.271.488 bytes free
'qmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
哪個目錄我需要用「nmake」「qmake」或「make」? – citi
您需要打開一個VS控制檯(在開始菜單中)/ source vcallvars.bat(或類似的,不記得確切的名稱),並將Qt的bin/dir(一個qmake.exe駐留)添加到PATH中。 –