- 我假設你需要操縱的所有數據都在一個數據庫中。
- 我把你的圖表從字面上提供。
對於基於關鍵字的文檔結構,您需要檢查使用的視圖和鍵值o查找與會者文檔。具體地檢查這些2行中的 「MoveAttendeesKeyBased」 子:
集vwAttendeesByCourseID = db.GetView( 「(LkupAllAttendeesByCourseID)」)
集dcAttendees = vwAttendeesbyCourseID.GetAllDocumentsByKey(docCourseFrom.CourseID(0),真)
Sub MoveAttendeesResponseBased(docCourseFrom As notesDocument, docCourseTo As NotesDocument)
A simple move attendees function if the relationship between courses and attendees is based on
response document hierarchies
On Error Goto errHandle
Dim dcAttendees As notesDocumentCollection
Dim docAttendee As notesDocument
Dim iAvailablePlaces As Integer
Dim bMoved As Boolean
If Not (docCourseFrom Is Nothing Or docCourseTo Is Nothing) Then
iAvailablePlaces = docCourseTo.availablePlaces(0)
If 0 < iAvailablePlaces Then
bMoved = False
Set dcAttendees = docCourseFrom.Responses
Set docAttendee = dcAttendees.GetFirstDocument
While Not docAttendee Is Nothing And 0 < iAvailablePlaces
If Ucase(Trim(docAttendee.Status(0)))= "WAIT LISTED" Then
Call docAttendee.MakeResponse(docCourseTo)
If docAttendee.Save(True,True) Then
iAvailablePlaces = iAvailablePlaces - 1
bMoved = True
End If
End If
Set docAttendee = dcAttendees.GetNextDocument(docAttendee)
If bMoved Then
docCourseTo.availablePlaces = iAvailablePlaces
Call docCourseTo.Save(True,False)
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
Messagebox Lsi_info(2) + " - " + Str(Err) + " : " + Error(Err) + ", at line " + Str(Erl)
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub MoveAttendeesKeyBased(docCourseFrom As notesDocument, docCourseTo As notesDocument)
A simple move attendees function if the relationship between courses and attendees uses
(non-response) key based documents
On Error Goto errHandle
Dim session As New notesSession
Dim dcAttendees As notesDocumentCollection
Dim docAttendee As notesDocument
Dim iAvailablePlaces As Integer
Dim bMoved As Boolean
' a view that lists attendees by Course ID
Dim vwAttendeesByCourseID As notesView
Dim db As notesDatabase
If Not (docCourseFrom Is Nothing Or docCourseTo Is Nothing) Then
iAvailablePlaces = docCourseTo.availablePlaces(0)
If 0 < iAvailablePlaces Then
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
' do a lookup of all attendees based on the CourseFrom document course id
Set vwAttendeesByCourseID = db.GetView("(LkupAllAttendeesByCourseID)")
' this is the collection of all attendees under the CourseFrom document
Set dcAttendees = vwAttendeesbyCourseID.GetAllDocumentsByKey(docCourseFrom.CourseID(0), True)
bMoved = False
Set docAttendee = dcAttendees.GetFirstDocument
' While there are attendee documents to process and there are available places to goto
While Not docAttendee Is Nothing And 0 < iAvailablePlaces
' if the attendee's status is "Wait Listed" then move them
If Ucase(Trim(docAttendee.Status(0)))= "WAIT LISTED" Then
' Update the course ID for the Attendee
docAttendee.CourseID = docCourseTo.CourseID(0)
If docAttendee.Save(True,True) Then
' decrement the available places
iAvailablePlaces = iAvailablePlaces - 1
bMoved = True
End If
End If
Set docAttendee = dcAttendees.GetNextDocument(docAttendee)
If bMoved Then
' available places may be >= 0. Just update the available places so you don't over book the course
docCourseTo.availablePlaces = iAvailablePlaces
Call docCourseTo.Save(True,False)
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
Messagebox Lsi_info(2) + " - " + Str(Err) + " : " + Error(Err) + ", at line " + Str(Erl)
Exit Sub
End Sub
我有時間思考技術問題,並想出了2種方法可以實現此功能。請看下面的答案 – giulio