2014-01-06 32 views






import random 

class ClassOne(): 
name = "" 
arrayToPrint = [] 

def __init__(self): 
    print("initialized class object") 
    name = "" 
    arrayToPrint = [] 

class ClassTwo: 
    nameTwo ="" 

x= {} 
#Initializing the dictionary 
for i in range(3): #Creating a dictionary with 3 items in it 
classOne= ClassOne() 
classOne.name = str(i) 
#wanted to create each of the lists with random lengths 
numberOfarraysToAdd =random.randint(1,9) 
print ("number of arrayToPrint for class %d = %d" % (i, numberOfarraysToAdd)) 
for j in range(numberOfarraysToAdd): 
    #Initializing the list within the dictionary 
    classTwo = ClassTwo() 
    classTwo.nameTwo = random.randint(1,20) 
x[i] = classOne #Copying the object of classOne into the dictionary with key as i 
classOne = None 

#Getting the code to print the dictionary and list 
for i in x: #traversing the dictionary 
print ("class name = %s" % x[i].name) 
print ("arrayToPrint = [") 
for j in range(len(x[i].arrayToPrint)-1): #traversing the list within the dictionary item 
    print ("f(%d) = %s\t" % (j, x[i].arrayToPrint[j].nameTwo)) 
print ("]") 


initialized class object 
number of arrayToPrint for class 0 = 9 
initialized class object 
number of arrayToPrint for class 1 = 7 
initialized class object 
number of arrayToPrint for class 2 = 7 
class name = 0 
arrayToPrint = [ 
f(0) = 17 
f(1) = 14 
f(2) = 10 
f(3) = 4  
f(4) = 19 
f(5) = 9  
f(6) = 9  
f(7) = 13 
f(8) = 11 
f(9) = 14 
f(10) = 19 
f(11) = 7 
f(12) = 6 
f(13) = 13 
f(14) = 1 
f(15) = 16 
f(16) = 1 
f(17) = 4 
f(18) = 6 
f(19) = 15 
f(20) = 6 
f(21) = 4 
class name = 1 
arrayToPrint = [ 
f(0) = 17 
f(1) = 14 
f(2) = 10 
f(3) = 4  
f(4) = 19 
f(5) = 9  
f(6) = 9  
f(7) = 13 
f(8) = 11 
f(9) = 14 
f(10) = 19 
f(11) = 7 
f(12) = 6 
f(13) = 13 
f(14) = 1 
f(15) = 16 
f(16) = 1 
f(17) = 4 
f(18) = 6 
f(19) = 15 
f(20) = 6 
f(21) = 4 
class name = 2 
arrayToPrint = [ 
f(0) = 17 
f(1) = 14 
f(2) = 10 
f(3) = 4  
f(4) = 19 
f(5) = 9  
f(6) = 9  
f(7) = 13 
f(8) = 11 
f(9) = 14 
f(10) = 19 
f(11) = 7 
f(12) = 6 
f(13) = 13 
f(14) = 1 
f(15) = 16 
f(16) = 1 
f(17) = 4 
f(18) = 6 
f(19) = 15 
f(20) = 6 
f(21) = 4 



請解決您的壓痕 – MattDMo


我只想把變量時,外面的''__init__函數,同樣的事情在C++中的靜態變量指出。該類的所有實例對於這些變量都具有相同的值 – IanAuld




class ClassOne(): 
    def __init__(self): 
     print("initialized class object") 
     self.name = "" 
     self.arrayToPrint = [] 

在這旁邊,你__init__函數的最後兩行沒有做任何事情 - 他們創造局部變量,只是偶然有一個共同的名字與類變量,而消失之後。所以,備案,你這是怎麼正確地訪問類變量:

class X: 
    classVariable = 0 

    def __init__(self): 
     X.classVariable += 1 
     self.anotherExampleOfAnInstanceVariable = 0 

     aLocalVariableNoOneWillEverKnowAbout = ":(" 



def __init__(self, name, array_to_print): # note Python uses lists/dictionaries not arrays and you should use underscores instead of pascalCase 
    self.name = name 
    self.array_to_print = array_to_print 


class Foo: 
    name = 'Ian' 

    def __init__(self): 
     blah blah 
