public function createTable($cid)
$userModel = new Users();
$attendanceModel = new Attendance();
$students = $userModel->getStudents($cid);
$table2 = '<table id="tutorTable">';
$tableHeaders =
<th>Student Name</th>
<th>Parent Name</th>
$table2 .= $tableHeaders;
foreach($students as $student)
$table2 .=
'<tr><td id="studentName">'.$student['firstname'].' '.$student['lastname'].'</td>
<select class="attendSelect" id="studentSelect"'.$student['id'].'>
<option value="Attended">Attended</option>
<option value="Absent">Did not Attend</option>
<option value="Excused Absent">Excused</option>
<option value="Late">Excused</option>
<option value="Excused Late">Did not Attend</option>
<a href="#MessageStudent" class="popUpLink">Message</a>
<div class="popUpDialog" id="'.$student['id'].'" title="Message '.$student['firstname'].' '.$student['lastname'].'">
<form id="studentForm" action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" value="message_send" name="action"/>
<input type="hidden" value="'.$student['id'].'" name="studentId"/>
<textarea rows="3" cols=35" name="message"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Send Message"/>
<td>Parent name goes here</td>
<a href="mailto:[email protected]" id="parentEmail">Message</a>
$table2 .= '</tbody></table>';
return $table2;
/** Dialog Handler **/
$divDialog = $(this).next('.popUpDialog');
$.data(this, 'dialog', $divDialog.dialog(
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
title: $divDialog.attr('title')
$.data(this, 'dialog').dialog('open');
return false;
/**AJAX to handle table **/
$('#courseSelect').on('change', function()
var cid = $('#courseSelect').val();
$.getJSON('?ajax=true&cid=' + cid, function(data)
var lessonSelect = "";
var count = 1;
/** populate select list of lessons **/
for(var i in data.lessons)
lessonSelect += '<option id="' + count + '" value="' + data.lessons[i].id+ '">' + data.lessons[i].name + '</option>'
var lessonDialog = '<p>' + data.lessons[0].name + '</p>';
var launchLessonDiv = '<a href=" ' + data.launchLesson.reference + ' ">Launch Lesson</a>';
var courseDialog = '<p>' + data.course.fullname + '</p>';
$('#lessonDialog').html(lessonDialog);//insert lesson information into lesson dialog
$('#launchLessonDiv').html(launchLessonDiv);//insert link to launch lesson
/**Repopulate table **/
//var lessonCount = 1;
//var table = createTutorTable(data, cid, lessonCount);
});//Course select
對話框div在ajax調用後可見的原因是因爲您沒有明確隱藏它。對話框初始化代碼只在第一次加載頁面時運行一次,這就是隱藏原始div的原因。每個Ajax調用後代碼都不會再運行 – gary 2012-04-12 20:14:25