2013-03-26 37 views

希望你們能幫助我。我對phonegap相當陌生。我已經在這個問題上關注了這一個星期了。我在C#中有一個dbase wcf rest服務,並且已經構建了一個android客戶端來調用這個服務。當我在wp7中測試這個應用程序時,似乎一切正常,即以json格式調用此服務。但是當我將此應用程序遷移到eclipse android環境並配置相關設置時,即使在更改url之後,應用程序也不會成功運行:http //:localhost:1067/Service1 to http //:。我仍然在使用,我已經修改了以下將android phonegap應用程序連接到模擬器中的localhost


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function postAjax1(parameters) { 

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     element.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(data, null, "\t"); 
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function logViaForm() { 
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     url: '', 
     type: 'GET', 
     dataType: 'html' 
       .done(function (data) { 
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         url: '', 
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         dataType: 'html', 
         contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8', 
         data: postData 
        .done(function (data, status, jqxhr1) { 
         //this works but we will get an error dues to the redirect to the home.aspx 
         //TODO: need to handle that 
         var element = document.getElementById('logViaFormCall'); 
         element.innerHTML = "Login Succesfull ! " + jqxhr1.status; 
        .fail(function (xhr, status, error) { 
         showError(error, "TODO: Works but need to handle redirect!!"); 

         //but it really works! 
         var element = document.getElementById('logViaFormCall'); 
         element.innerHTML = "Login Succesfull ! Verify that Authenticated AJAX calls work!"; 
        .always(function() { showAlert("complete login"); }); 
       .fail(function (xhr, status, error) { showError(error); }) 
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    <log level="DEBUG"/> 
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正如我前面所說我已經在本地測試了wcf服務ing vs2010服務器和iis7 它似乎工作得很好,但我無法讓它在android中工作。任何幫助將不勝感激。提前致謝。




<!-- <access origin="*" subdomains="true" /> such as above, but including subdomains, such as www --> to 

<access origin="*" subdomains="true" /> 



不幸的是我有完全相同的錯誤,我的本地主機被列入白名單... – 2014-11-25 07:23:58
