/*! jQuery Tooltip Plugin by Pezhvak @ IMVx.ORG
* Version: 1.0
* Tested on IE9, FF4, Safari5
* Description: By using this plugin all of your title attributes going to change, you may even change your tooltips in runtime
* @groupName: [string] name of the group of titlebox
* @ms: [milliseconds] to hide, if 0: hide when mouseout, if -1: don't hide automatically, if -2: hide when clicked on title
* @delay: [milliseconds] to show, -1: don't show automatically
* @mode: [string] how you want to manage your titles, single: only one toolbox allowed to be shown in each category, share: one toolbox will be shared between all elements in a group, free: each element have it's own titlebox
* @move: [string] how titlebox appears, vertically, horizontally or static. static: without moving effect
* @stop: [string] which side of the element titlebox should stop? on width or height?
* @showEasing: [string] what effect to use when titlebox appears, [easeOutBounce, easeOutElastic]
* @hideEasing: [string] what effect to use when titlebox disappears, [same as showEasing]
* @moveEasing: [string] what effect to use when titlebox is moving to other element, [same as showEasing], it will be used only when mode is
* @theme: [object] contains style of the titlebox
* ! Keep in mind you may override default settings for your special elements by setting [titleMS, titleMove, titleStop, titleShowEasing, titleHideEasing, titleTheme] attribute for them.
* ! titleTheme should contains created theme name by $.createTheme function
var option = {groupName: '_default_',
ms: 5000,
speed: 'slow',
delay: 0,
distance: 'auto',
mode: 'single',
move: 'horizontally',
stop: 'width',
recommend: 'auto',
showEasing: 'easeOutBounce',
hideEasing: 'easeInOutBounce',
moveEasing: 'easeOutElastic',
shadow: '0px 0px 5px #292929',
opacity: 0.8,
roundCorners: 5,
style: {
color: '#fff',
background: 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.8)',
padding: '10px',
fontSize: '12px'
var _idc = 0; // ID Counter
var groups = {};
var currentGroup = {};
$.titleDefineGroup = function(group_name, options)
var option_buffer = $.extend(true, {}, option);
groups[group_name] = $.extend(true, option_buffer, options);
groups[group_name].groupName = group_name;
function get_image_size(image_uri)
var image = new Image();
image.src = image_uri;
return {width: image.width, height: image.height};
$(window).bind('load.tooltip', function(){
$("[title]").live('mouseover.tooltip', function(){
$(this).attr('customTitle', $(this).attr('title')).attr('title', null).attr('_idc', _idc);
this.onTitleShow = function(){} // titleShowEvent
this.onTitleHide = function(){} // titleHideEvent
$("[customTitle]").live('mouseover.tooltip', function(){
$(this).tooltip({text: $(this).attr("customTitle")});
$.fn.onTitleShow = function(fnc)
return this.each(function(){
this.onTitleShow = fcn;
$.fn.onTitleHide = function(fnc)
return this.each(function(){
this.onTitleHide = fnc;
$.fn.showTitle = function()
return this.each(function(){
$(this).attr('customTitle', $(this).attr('title')).attr('title', null).attr('_idc', _idc);
this.onTitleShow = function(){} // titleShowEvent
this.onTitleHide = function(){} // titleHideEvent
$(this).tooltip({text: $(this).attr("customTitle"), forced: true});
$.titleSettings = function(options)
$.extend(true, option, options);
function _tooltip_generate_arrow(side)
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
if(!canvas.getContext) return;
var canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d');
case "up":{
canvas.width = '8';
canvas.height = '6';
case "down":{
canvas.width = '8';
canvas.height = '6';
case "left":{
canvas.width = '6';
canvas.height = '8';
case "right":{
canvas.width = '6';
canvas.height = '8';
canvasContext.fillStyle = currentGroup.theme.style.background;
canvas.style.position = 'absolute';
return canvas;
function _tooltip_conflict(element, tooltip)
var result = {left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false, leftPoint: {x: 0, y: 0, position: 'center'}, rightPoint: {x: 0, y: 0, position: 'center'}, topPoint: {x: 0, y: 0, position: 'center'}, bottomPoint: {x: 0, y: 0, position: 'center'}};
var elementPosition = element.offset();
var padding = parseInt(tooltip.css('padding').replace('px','')) * 2;
if(isNaN(padding)) padding = 0;
var tooltipWidth = tooltip.width() + padding;
var tooltipHeight = tooltip.height() + padding;
var arrow = '';
// Checking left
arrow = _tooltip_generate_arrow('right');
if(elementPosition.left - tooltipWidth - arrow.width < 0) result.left = true;
result.leftPoint.x = elementPosition.left - tooltipWidth - arrow.width;
result.leftPoint.y = (tooltipHeight > element.height()) ? elementPosition.top - (tooltipHeight/2) + (element.height()/2) : elementPosition.top + (element.height()/2) - (tooltipHeight/2);
if(result.leftPoint.y < 0) {result.leftPoint.y = elementPosition.top; result.leftPoint.position = 'top';}
if(result.leftPoint.y + tooltipHeight > $(window).height()) {result.leftPoint.y = elementPosition.top - (tooltipHeight - element.height()); result.leftPoint.position = 'bottom';}
// Checking Right
arrow = _tooltip_generate_arrow('left');
if(elementPosition.left + element.width() + tooltipWidth + arrow.width > $(window).width()) result.right = true;
result.rightPoint.x = elementPosition.left + element.width() + arrow.width;
result.rightPoint.y = (tooltipHeight > element.height()) ? elementPosition.top - (tooltipHeight/2) + (element.height()/2) : elementPosition.top + (element.height()/2) - (tooltipHeight/2);
if(result.rightPoint.y < 0) {result.rightPoint.y = elementPosition.top; result.rightPoint.position = 'top';}
if(result.rightPoint.y > $(window).height()) {result.rightPoint.y = elementPosition.top - (tooltipHeight - element.height()); result.rightPoint.position = 'bottom';}
// Checking Up
arrow = _tooltip_generate_arrow('down');
if(elementPosition.top - tooltipHeight - arrow.height < 0) result.top = true;
result.topPoint.x = (tooltipWidth > element.width()) ? elementPosition.left - (tooltipWidth/2) + (element.width()/2) : elementPosition.left + (element.width()/2) - (tooltipWidth/2);
result.topPoint.y = elementPosition.top - tooltipHeight - arrow.height;
if(result.topPoint.x < 0) {result.topPoint.x = elementPosition.left; result.topPoint.position = 'left';}
if(result.topPoint.x+tooltipWidth > $(window).width()) {result.topPoint.x = elementPosition.left - (tooltipWidth - element.width()); result.topPoint.position = 'right';}
// Checking Down
arrow = _tooltip_generate_arrow('up');
if(elementPosition.top + element.height() + tooltipHeight + arrow.height > $(window).height()) result.bottom = true;
result.bottomPoint.x = (tooltipWidth > element.width()) ? elementPosition.left - (tooltipWidth/2) + (element.width()/2) : elementPosition.left + (element.width()/2) - (tooltipWidth/2);
result.bottomPoint.y = elementPosition.top + element.height() + arrow.height;
if(result.bottomPoint.x < 0) {result.bottomPoint.x = elementPosition.left; result.bottomPoint.position = 'left';}
if(result.bottomPoint.x+tooltipWidth > $(window).width()) {result.bottomPoint.x = elementPosition.left - (tooltipWidth - element.width()); result.bottomPoint.position = 'right';}
return result;
function _tooltip_get_box_position()
$.tooltip_proccess = function(){
// Define
$("[title]:not([titleGroup])").attr("titleGroup", "_default_");
var settings = {move: 0, stop: 0, mode: 'single', recommend: 'auto', group: 'default', startPoint: {x: 0, y: 0}, endPoint: {x: 0, y: 0}}
settings.group = (($(this).attr("titleGroup")) ? (groups[$(this).attr("titleGroup")]) ? groups[$(this).attr("titleGroup")] : option : option);
currentGroup = settings.group;
settings.move = (($(this).attr("titleMove")) ? $(this).attr("titleMove") : settings.group.move).toLowerCase();
settings.stop = (($(this).attr("titleStop")) ? $(this).attr("titleStop") : settings.group.stop).toLowerCase();
settings.recommend = (($(this).attr("titleRecommend")) ? $(this).attr("titleRecommend") : settings.group.recommend).toLowerCase();
// Verifying
if($(this).attr("titleActive")=="true") return; // prevent re-generation for elements which already have an active toolbox
if(settings.group.mode != 'free')
var force_return = false;
clearTimeout(document.getElementById("toolbox_"+this.id).tooltipTimeout); // prepair to move
$("#toolbox_"+this.id).attr("titleActive", "false");
if(settings.group.mode == 'single')
else // share
force_return = true; // we goint to handle it from here, we don't need rest of the code ;)
var elementPos = $(this).offset();
var conflict = _tooltip_conflict($(this), $("#toolbox_"+this.id));
var padding = parseInt(($("#toolbox_"+this.id).css("padding")).replace("px", ""));
var DIV = document.getElementById("toolbox_"+this.id);
if(force_return) return;
// Generating TooltipBox
$(this).attr("titleActive", "true");
var DIV = document.createElement("DIV");
if($(this).attr("id") == "") $(this).attr("id", "auto_"+_idc);
DIV.name = DIV.id = "toolbox_"+$(this).attr("id");
DIV.style.position = 'absolute';
$.extend(true, DIV.style, settings.group.theme.style);
DIV.style.background = settings.group.theme.style.background;
DIV.style.zIndex = 999;
DIV.innerHTML = $(this).attr("customTitle");
this.onTitleChange = setInterval(function(){
if($(_this).attr("customTitle") != DIV.childNodes[0].nodeValue) DIV.childNodes[0].nodeValue = $(_this).attr("customTitle");
}, 100);
DIV.style.width = 'auto';
DIV.style.height = 'auto';
DIV.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
DIV.style['-moz-box-shadow'] = settings.group.theme.shadow;
DIV.style['-webkit-box-shadow'] = settings.group.theme.shadow;
DIV.style['box-shadow'] = settings.group.theme.shadow;
if(typeof(settings.group.theme.roundCorners) != 'number') settings.group.theme.roundCorners = settings.group.theme.roundCorners.replace(/px$/i, '');
$(DIV).fadeTo(1,1).attr('_tidc', $(this).attr('_idc')).roundCorners(settings.group.theme.roundCorners);
// Determining
var elementPos = $(this).offset();
var conflict = _tooltip_conflict($(this), $(DIV));
var padding = parseInt(($(DIV).css("padding")).replace("px", ""));
// Adjusting Box
case "width":
case "up":
case "top":
if(conflict.top) settings.recommend = 'bottom';
case "down":
case "bottom":
if(conflict.bottom) settings.recommend = 'top';
default: // Auto
settings.recommend = (elementPos.top < $(window).height()/2) ? 'bottom' : 'top';
if(settings.move == 'vertically')
settings.startPoint.x = conflict[settings.recommend+'Point'].x;
settings.startPoint.y = settings.startPoint.y = (elementPos.top < $(window).height()/2) ? ($(window).height()/3) * 2 : ($(window).height()/3);
settings.startPoint.x = (elementPos.left < $(window).width()/2) ? ($(window).width()/3) * 2 : ($(window).width()/3);
settings.startPoint.y = conflict[settings.recommend+'Point'].y;
settings.endPoint.x = conflict[settings.recommend+'Point'].x;
settings.endPoint.y = conflict[settings.recommend+'Point'].y;
case "height":
case "left":
if(conflict.left) settings.recommend = 'right';
case "right":
if(conflict.right) settings.recommend = 'left';
default: // Auto
settings.recommend = (elementPos.left < $(window).width()/2) ? 'right' : 'left';
if(settings.move == 'vertically')
settings.startPoint.x = conflict[settings.recommend+'Point'].x;
settings.startPoint.y = settings.startPoint.y = (settings.recommend == 'bottom') ? ($(window).height()/3) * 2 : ($(window).height()/3);
settings.startPoint.x = (elementPos.left < $(window).width()/2) ? ($(window).width()/3) * 2 : ($(window).width()/3);
settings.startPoint.y = conflict[settings.recommend+'Point'].y;
settings.endPoint.x = conflict[settings.recommend+'Point'].x;
settings.endPoint.y = conflict[settings.recommend+'Point'].y;
// Setting up distance
if(typeof(settings.group.distance) == "string")
settings.group.distance = settings.group.distance.replace(/px$/gi, '');
if(settings.startPoint.x != settings.endPoint.x && settings.group.distance != 'auto') // horizontal move
var res = settings.endPoint.x - settings.startPoint.x;
if(res < 0) // tooltip is moving to left
settings.startPoint.x = parseInt(settings.endPoint.x) + parseInt(settings.group.distance);
else // tooltip is moving to right
settings.startPoint.x = parseInt(settings.endPoint.x) - parseInt(settings.group.distance);
if(settings.startPoint.y != settings.endPoint.y && settings.group.distance != 'auto') // vertical move
var res = settings.endPoint.y - settings.startPoint.y;
if(res < 0) // tooltip is moving to top
settings.startPoint.y = parseInt(settings.endPoint.y) + parseInt(settings.group.distance);
else // tooltip is moving to bottom
settings.startPoint.y = parseInt(settings.endPoint.y) - parseInt(settings.group.distance);
// Adjusting Arrow
var arrow = '';
case "top":
arrow = _tooltip_generate_arrow("down");
arrow.style.top = (DIV.offsetHeight-1)+"px";
arrow.style.left = ((DIV.offsetWidth/2) - (arrow.width/2))+"px";
case "bottom":
arrow = _tooltip_generate_arrow("up");
arrow.style.top = "-"+arrow.height+"px";
arrow.style.left = ((DIV.offsetWidth/2) - (arrow.width/2))+"px";
case "left":
arrow = _tooltip_generate_arrow("right");
arrow.style.top = ((DIV.offsetHeight/2) - arrow.height/2)+"px";
arrow.style.left = (DIV.offsetWidth)+"px";
case "right":
arrow = _tooltip_generate_arrow("left");
arrow.style.top = ((DIV.offsetHeight/2) - arrow.height/2)+"px";
arrow.style.left = "-"+arrow.width+"px";
arrow.id = "tooltip_arrow_"+$(this).attr("id");
var position = conflict[settings.recommend+'Point'].position;
switch(position) // by default (if no conflict happends) it will be center, usually it will change when tooltip box is grater than element in size
case "bottom":
arrow.style.top = ($(DIV).height() - ($(this).height()/2-arrow.height/2))+"px";
case "top":
arrow.style.top = ($(this).height()/2-arrow.height/2)+"px";
case "left":
arrow.style.left = ($(this).width()/2-arrow.width/2)+"px";
case "right":
arrow.style.left = ($(DIV).width() - ($(this).width()/2 + arrow.width/2))+"px";
// Appending Arrow To Box
// Moving Box
opts = $.extend({left: settings.endPoint.x, top: settings.endPoint.y}, {opacity: 1});
var element = $(this);
var _this = this;
this.hideTitle = function()
opts = $.extend({left: $(DIV).attr("startX"), top: $(DIV).attr("startY")}, {opacity: 0});
$(DIV).animate(opts, {duration: settings.group.speed, easing: settings.group.hideEasing, complete: function(){if(!isNaN(DIV)) document.body.removeChild(DIV); element.attr("titleActive", "false");}});
$(DIV).css({top: settings.startPoint.y, left: settings.startPoint.x}).animate(opts,{
duration: settings.group.speed,
easing: settings.group.showEasing,
complete: function(){
$(this).attr("startX", settings.startPoint.x).attr("startY", settings.startPoint.y);
case '0': // mouseout
element.bind('mouseout.tooltip', function(){
case '-1':// manual
case '-2':// manual
$(DIV).bind('click.tooltip', function(){
DIV.tooltipTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
}, settings.group.ms);
$.fn.tooltip = function(options){
return this.each(function(){
$(this).attr("delay", 'true').bind("mouseout.tooltip", function(){$(this).attr("delay", "false"); clearTimeout(this.delayTimeout);});
var _this = this;
var group = (($(this).attr("titleGroup")) ? (groups[$(this).attr("titleGroup")]) ? groups[$(this).attr("titleGroup")] : option : option);
if(options.forced == true) $.tooltip_proccess.call(_this);
if(group.delay == -1) return;
_this.delayTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
if($(_this).attr("delay") == "true")
}, group.delay);
謝謝,但我試圖限制正在加載的JavaScript的數量,添加另一個框架會增加我的問題。我希望界面快速加載,以便用戶可以直接進入甜蜜的東西。但是所有的Ajax都在......我不得不將這添加到可能的更改列表中......哈哈。謝謝。 – JustinKaz
@Justin:當然,可以理解。如果您已經在使用其他JavaScript框架,我相信它可以提供類似的功能。對於簡單的工具提示,[ChristopheCVB的建議](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6684905/can-i-customize-the-in-browser-tool-tip-bubble/6685058#6685058)值得嘗試。 –
Nop!我試圖使用所有我自己的JavaScript來輕鬆訪問,編碼標準,所以我可以控制使用什麼(等等)。網絡服務非常複雜,即使它看起來還沒有完成(這是因爲它,大聲笑)。 – JustinKaz