2012-02-24 57 views



有沒有可用的插件/腳本,還是我需要自己寫一個? (從來沒有在Excel中編程)

Google結果與我的問題不同。 (也許我忽略了的東西)


的更多信息: 文件有這樣的格式例如: 「姓名」, 「標題」, 「X」, 「Y」, 「important1」,」 important2" , 「X」

和下一個: 「姓名」, 「標題」, 「important1」, 「X」, 「important2」, 「X」, 「Y」


Option Explicit 
Sub DeleteOtherColumnsBeta() 

Dim ColCrnt As Long 
Dim ColsToKeepNum() As Long 
Dim ColsToKeepName() As Variant 
Dim InxKeep As Long 

' Load names of columns that are to remain visible. The code below assumes 
' these names are in ascending order by column number. These names must be 
' exactly the same as in the worksheet: same case, same spaces, etc. 
ColsToKeepName = Array(
"Teilbereich", "Anrede", "Titel", "Vorname", "Nachname", "Lehrveranstaltung", _ 
"Lehrveranstaltungsart", "Periode", "Bogen") 

ReDim ColsToKeepNum(LBound(ColsToKeepName) To UBound(ColsToKeepName)) 

With Sheets("Sheet1")  ' Replace "Sheet3" with the name of your sheet 

' Locate columns to remain visible 
ColCrnt = 1 
For InxKeep = LBound(ColsToKeepName) To UBound(ColsToKeepName) 
    Do While ColsToKeepName(InxKeep) <> .Cells(1, ColCrnt).Value 
    ColCrnt = ColCrnt + 1 
    If ColCrnt > Columns.Count Then 
     Call MsgBox("Column headed """ & ColsToKeepName(InxKeep) & _ 
               """ not found", vbOKOnly) 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 
    ColsToKeepNum(InxKeep) = ColCrnt 
    Call MsgBox("ColsToKeepNum(InxKeep)""" & ColsToKeepNum(InxKeep), vbOKOnly) 

' ColsToKeepNum() now contains a list of column numbers which are 
' the columns to remain visible. All others are to be hidden. 

ColCrnt = Columns.Count ' Last column processed 
' Hide columns before first named column and between named columns 
For InxKeep = UBound(ColsToKeepName) To LBound(ColsToKeepName) 
    If ColCrnt - 1 = ColsToKeepNum(InxKeep) Then 
    ' There is no gap between last processed column and this column 
    ' containing columns to be hidden 
    .Range(.Cells(1, ColCrnt - 1), _ 
      .Cells(1, ColsToKeepNum(InxKeep) + 1)).EntireColumn.Delete 
    End If 
    ColCrnt = ColsToKeepNum(InxKeep)  ' Last processed column 
'Hide columns after last named column 
.Range(.Cells(1, ColCrnt - 1), _ 
      .Cells(1, Columns.Count)).EntireColumn.Delete 

End With 

End Sub 

您可以按多個條件排序。什麼版本的Excel?你的問題還不是很清楚,你想完成什麼? – Raystafarian 2012-02-24 15:22:59


使用數據透視表。在2007年或2010年擊中插入功能區,pivottable。 – Jesse 2012-02-24 17:39:49


你想隱藏特定的列,或刪除它們嗎?託尼的答案似乎自動隱藏它們。或者你希望他們不在你的工作表中? – datatoo 2012-02-26 16:27:16




ColsToKeepName = Array("Name", "Addr", "Title", "Given", "Phone", _ 
         "Home", "Mobile") 







Option Explicit 
Sub HideOtherColumns() 

    Dim ColCrnt As Long 
    Dim ColsToKeepNum() As Long 
    Dim ColsToKeepName() As Variant 
    Dim InxKeep As Long 

    ' Load names of columns that are to remain visible. The code below assumes 
    ' these names are in ascending order by column number. These names must be 
    ' exactly the same as in the worksheet: same case, same spaces, etc. 
    ColsToKeepName = Array("Name", "Addr", "Title", "Given", "Phone", _ 
         "Home", "Mobile") 

    ReDim ColsToKeepNum(LBound(ColsToKeepName) To UBound(ColsToKeepName)) 

    With Sheets("Sheet3")  ' Replace "Sheet3" with the name of your sheet 

    ' Locate columns to remain visible 
    ColCrnt = 1 
    For InxKeep = LBound(ColsToKeepName) To UBound(ColsToKeepName) 
     Do While ColsToKeepName(InxKeep) <> .Cells(1, ColCrnt).Value 
     ColCrnt = ColCrnt + 1 
     If ColCrnt > Columns.Count Then 
      Call MsgBox("Column headed """ & ColsToKeepName(InxKeep) & _ 
                """ not found", vbOKOnly) 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 
     ColsToKeepNum(InxKeep) = ColCrnt 

    ' ColsToKeepNum() now contains a list of column numbers which are 
    ' the columns to remain visible. All others are to be hidden. 

    ColCrnt = 0  ' Last column processed 
    ' Hide columns before first named column and between named columns 
    For InxKeep = LBound(ColsToKeepName) To UBound(ColsToKeepName) 
     If ColCrnt + 1 = ColsToKeepNum(InxKeep) Then 
     ' There is no gap between last processed column and this column 
     ' containing columns to be hidden 
     .Range(.Cells(1, ColCrnt + 1), _ 
       .Cells(1, ColsToKeepNum(InxKeep) - 1)).EntireColumn.Hidden = True 
     End If 
     ColCrnt = ColsToKeepNum(InxKeep)  ' Last processed column 
    'Hide columns after last named column 
    .Range(.Cells(1, ColCrnt + 1), _ 
       .Cells(1, Columns.Count)).EntireColumn.Hidden = True 

    End With 

End Sub 
Sub RestoreColumns() 

    With Sheets("Sheet3") 
    .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, Columns.Count)).EntireColumn.Hidden = False 
    End With 

End Sub 





Sub GetFileNameList(ByVal PathCrnt As String, ByVal FileSpec As String, _ 
              ByRef FileNameList() As String) 

' This routine sets FileNameList to the names of files within folder 
' PathCrnt that match FileSpec. It uses function Dir$() to get the file names. 
' I can find no documentation that says Dir$() gets file names in alphabetic 
' order but I have not seen a different sequence in recent years 

    Dim AttCrnt As Long 
    Dim FileNameCrnt As String 
    Dim InxFNLCrnt As Long 

    ReDim FileNameList(1 To 100) 
    InxFNLCrnt = 0 

    ' Ensure path name ends in a "\" 
    If Right(PathCrnt, 1) <> "\" Then 
    PathCrnt = PathCrnt & "\" 
    End If 

    ' This Dir$ returns the name of the first file in 
    ' folder PathCrnt that matches FileSpec. 
    FileNameCrnt = Dir$(PathCrnt & FileSpec) 
    Do While FileNameCrnt <> "" 
    ' "Files" have attributes, for example: normal, to-be-archived, system, 
    ' hidden, directory and label. It is unlikely that any directory will 
    ' have an extension of XLS but it is not forbidden. More importantly, 
    ' if the files have more than one extension so you have to use "*.*" 
    ' instead of *.xls", Dir$ will return the names of directories. Labels 
    ' can only appear in route directories and I have not bothered to test 
    ' for them 
    AttCrnt = GetAttr(PathCrnt & FileNameCrnt) 
    If (AttCrnt And vbDirectory) <> 0 Then 
     ' This "file" is a directory. Ignore 
     ' This "file" is a file 
     InxFNLCrnt = InxFNLCrnt + 1 
     If InxFNLCrnt > UBound(FileNameList) Then 
     ' There is a lot of system activity behind "Redim Preserve". I reduce 
     ' the number of Redim Preserves by adding new entries in chunks and 
     ' using InxFNLCrnt to identify the next free entry. 
     ReDim Preserve FileNameList(1 To 100 + UBound(FileNameList)) 
     End If 
     FileNameList(InxFNLCrnt) = FileNameCrnt 
    End If 
    ' This Dir$ returns the name of the next file that matches 
    ' the criteria specified in the initial call. 
    FileNameCrnt = Dir$ 

    ' Discard the unused entries 
    ReDim Preserve FileNameList(1 To InxFNLCrnt) 

End Sub 



Sub DeleteColumns() 

    Dim ColOtherCrnt As Long 
    Dim ColOtherEnd As Long 
    Dim ColOtherStart As Long 
    Dim ColOtherMax As Long 
    Dim ColsToDelete() As Long 
    Dim ColsToKeepFound() As Boolean 
    Dim ColsToKeepName() As Variant 
    Dim FileNameList() As String 
    Dim Found As Boolean 
    Dim InxCTDCrnt As Long 
    Dim InxCTDMax As Long 
    Dim InxCTK As Long 
    Dim InxFNLCrnt As Long 
    Dim InxWShtCrnt As Long 
    Dim Msg As String 
    Dim PathCrnt As String 
    Dim RowDelColNext As Long 
    Dim WBookMaster As Workbook 
    Dim WBookOther As Workbook 

    If Workbooks.Count > 1 Then 
    ' It is easy to get into a muddle if there are multiple workbooks 
    ' open at the start of a macro like this. Avoid the problem. 
    Call MsgBox("Please close all other workbooks", vbOKOnly) 
    Exit Sub 
    End If 

    Set WBookMaster = ActiveWorkbook 

    ' Load names of columns that are NOT to be deleted These names must be 
    ' actually the same as in the worksheet: same case, same spaces, etc. 
    ' ##### Change this list as required. ##### 
    ColsToKeepName = Array("Name", "Addr", "Title", "Given", "Phone", "Home", "Mobile") 

    ' Get the name of the folder containing this workbook. 
    PathCrnt = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" 

    ' Delete existing contents of worksheet DelCol and prepare for use 
    With Sheets("DelCol") 
    .Cells(1, 1).Value = "Workbook" 
    .Cells(1, 2).Value = "Worksheet" 
    .Cells(1, 3).Value = "Comment" 
    .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, 3)).Font.Bold = True 
    End With 
    RowDelColNext = 2 

    ' If you are using a later version of Excel, you will 
    ' need to change the file specification. 
    Call GetFileNameList(PathCrnt, "*.xls", FileNameList) 

    For InxFNLCrnt = 1 To UBound(FileNameList) 
    If FileNameList(InxFNLCrnt) = WBookMaster.Name Then 
     ' This workbook is the master 
     Set WBookOther = WBookMaster 
     Set WBookOther = Workbooks.Open(PathCrnt & FileNameList(InxFNLCrnt)) 
    End If 
    With WBookOther 
     ' Store name of workbook 
     WBookMaster.Sheets("DelCol").Cells(RowDelColNext, 1).Value = .Name 
     RowDelColNext = RowDelColNext + 1 

     ' Examine every worksheet in workbook 
     For InxWShtCrnt = 1 To .Worksheets.Count 
     With .Worksheets(InxWShtCrnt) 
      ' Store name of worksheet 
      WBookMaster.Sheets("DelCol").Cells(RowDelColNext, 2).Value = .Name 
      RowDelColNext = RowDelColNext + 1 

      ' #### Add code to ignore any workbooks 
      ' #### you do not want examined 

      ' .Range(Y).SpecialCells(X) finds a cell or cells of type X 
      ' within range Y. ".Cells" means the entire worksheet. 
      ' "xlCellTypeLastCell" means the last used cell or cells. 
      ' I have extracted the column number. If ColOtherMax = 50 
      ' then I know I need not consider columns 51, 52, etc. 
      ColOtherMax = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column 

      ' Size array for one entry per name. Initialise to False 
      ReDim ColsToKeepFound(LBound(ColsToKeepName) To _ 

      ' Size array for the maximum possible number of columns. 
      ReDim ColsToDelete(1 To ColOtherMax) 
      InxCTDMax = 0  ' Array currently empty 

      ' Example row 1 of every column 
      For ColOtherCrnt = ColOtherMax To 1 Step -1 

      ' Match column header against names to keep 
      Found = False 
      For InxCTK = LBound(ColsToKeepName) To UBound(ColsToKeepName) 
       If .Cells(1, ColOtherCrnt).Value = ColsToKeepName(InxCTK) Then 
       Found = True 
       Exit For 
       End If 

      ' Record findings 
      If Found Then 
       ' This column is to be kept 
       ColsToKeepFound(InxCTK) = True 
       ' This column is to be deleted 
       InxCTDMax = InxCTDMax + 1 
       ColsToDelete(InxCTDMax) = ColOtherCrnt 
      End If 

      ' Check all columns to be kept have been found 
      Found = True 
      For InxCTK = LBound(ColsToKeepName) To UBound(ColsToKeepName) 
      If Not ColsToKeepFound(InxCTK) Then 
       Found = False 
       Exit For 
      End If 

      If Found Then 
      ' All required columns have been found. Prepare to 
      ' delete remaining columns 
      Msg = "Columns to be deleted:" 
      ColOtherStart = ColsToDelete(1) 
      ColOtherEnd = ColsToDelete(1) 
      For InxCTDCrnt = 2 To InxCTDMax 
       If ColsToDelete(InxCTDCrnt) + 1 = ColOtherStart Then 
       ' Range continues 
       ColOtherStart = ColsToDelete(InxCTDCrnt) 
       ' End of last range. Start of new. 
       If ColOtherStart = ColOtherEnd Then 
        Msg = Msg & " " & ColOtherStart & " " 
        Msg = Msg & " " & ColOtherStart & " to " & ColOtherEnd & " " 
       End If 
       ColOtherStart = ColsToDelete(InxCTDCrnt) 
       ColOtherEnd = ColsToDelete(InxCTDCrnt) 
       End If 
      If ColOtherStart = ColOtherEnd Then 
       Msg = Msg & " " & ColOtherStart & " " 
       Msg = Msg & " " & ColOtherStart & " to " & ColOtherEnd & " " 
      End If 
      WBookMaster.Sheets("DelCol").Cells(RowDelColNext, 2).Value = Msg 
      RowDelColNext = RowDelColNext + 1 
      ' Not all required columns found. 
      Msg = "The following required columns were not found:" 
      For InxCTK = LBound(ColsToKeepName) To UBound(ColsToKeepName) 
       If Not ColsToKeepFound(InxCTK) Then 
        Msg = Msg & " " & ColsToKeepName(InxCTK) 
       End If 
      WBookMaster.Sheets("DelCol").Cells(RowDelColNext, 3).Value = Msg 
      RowDelColNext = RowDelColNext + 1 
      End If 
     End With 
     If FileNameList(InxFNLCrnt) = WBookMaster.Name Then 
     ' This workbook is the master 
     .Close SaveChanges:=False ' Close the workbook without saving it 
     End If 
     Set WBookOther = Nothing ' Clear reference to workbook 
    End With 

End Sub 





  • if Lcase(X) = Lcase(Y) then意味着「名稱」,「名稱」和「名稱」全部匹配。
  • if Replace(X," ","") = Replace(Y," ","") then意味着「first name」和「firstname」匹配。
  • Like是執行通配符匹配的運算符。
  • 您已經發現Instr這是另一種可能性,雖然我懷疑Like會給你更多的靈活性。不過,我對InStrLike有點不舒服。他們將允許您將「addr」與「address」和「home addr」相匹配,而「name」則與「enamel」匹配。 「琺琅」一詞似乎不太可能出現在您的任何標題行中,但我希望您能看到我的擔憂。
  • 如果您使用的Excel版本比我高,那麼您可以通過其所有的靈活性訪問Regex。
  • 您可以嵌套呼叫,例如:Lcase(Replace(X," ",""))




非常感謝!會嘗試這個。 我瞭解編碼(從未在Excel中編寫代碼,但在Java中)。 問候! – Wandang 2012-02-27 08:42:34


工程就像一個魅力(得到擅長使用這個宏,每當我想要的是一個小惡人) – Wandang 2012-02-27 09:47:02


不客氣。在你的一個評論中,你說你寧願從表格中刪除這些列。如果這是你想要的,刪除列很容易。 – 2012-02-27 10:17:18