2015-10-19 50 views


SomeObject someObject; // declares a SomeObject object called someObject 
SomeObject someReference; // declares a SomeObject object called someReference 
SomeObject someOtherObject; // declares a SomeObject object called someOtherObject 

someObject = new SomeObject(); // initialises a new SomeObject object into someObject using SomeObject's contructor 
someOtherObject = new SomeObject(); // initialises a new SomeObject object into someOtherObject using SomeObject's constructor 
someReference = someObject; // someReference is now a reference pointing to the same place as someObject 

someReference.attribute = value; // sets someReference's attribute attribute to value. someObject.attribute is also now value 

someReference = someOtherObject; // someReference now points to someOtherObject instead of someObject 
someReference.attribute = value2; // someOtherObject.attribute is now value2. someObject.attribute is unaffected 

someReference = null; // sets someReference to be a null reference. someObject and someOtherObject are unaffected. 

是的,你的理解是正確的。但是我想你在問你之前已經自己檢查過了,是不是? –


如果您「編寫程序時遇到困難」,請創建一個能夠重現問題的[mcve]。 – CodeCaster


作爲**「分配」**的含義,請注意標題**「是一個約見某人的祕密,通常是由戀人制作的。」_ – Enigmativity




// declares a field (if it's in class) or a variable (if it's inside method) 
// of type SomeObject that will later work with SomeObject instance 

SomeObject someObject; 


// instantiates a new SomeObject instance (including creation of object on heap, 
// pointer to this object and running object constructor). 
// It also makes someObject point to this newly created object. 

someObject = new SomeObject(); 

// sets new value for someReference's 'attribute' field (or property) 

someReference.attribute = value; 


@CodeCaster感謝您的評論,更新了我的回答 – Fabjan