我想要一個4位數的副劇情節,並在每個劇情中使用'plotyy'。由於軸線的縮放,我遇到了一些問題,現在我已經解決了第一個圖形的問題,但是當我嘗試使用相同的結構作爲第二個圖形時,第二個圖形是完美的,但是第一個圖形一個會變成只有一個圖形而不是前兩個的情節(所以,第一個'plotyy'停止工作)。 爲了更好地理解我的問題,代碼,我用的是:
AXInv = subplot(2,2,1); % Auto-fitted to the figure.
PInv = get(AXInv,'pos'); % Get the position.
[AXInv,H1,H2] = plotyy(h,Inv,h,prod_Inv,'plot');
set(AXInv,'pos',PInv) % Recover the position.
line([0 24],[0 1],'parent',AXInv(1),'Color',[1 1 1]) % Axis is not scaled
axis auto % Numbers on axes are crushing.
set(AXInv(1),'ytickmode','auto') % This is new....
line([0 24],[0 1500],'parent',AXInv(2),'Color',[1 1 1]) % Axis is not scaled
axis auto % Numbers on axes are crushing.
set(AXInv(2),'ytickmode','auto') % This is new....
AXPrim = subplot(2,2,2); % Auto-fitted to the figure.
PPrim = get(AXPrim,'pos'); % Get the position.
[AXPrim,H1,H2] = plotyy(h,Prim,h,prod_Prim,'plot');
set(AXPrim,'pos',PPrim) % Recover the position.
line([0 24],[0 1],'parent',AXPrim(1),'Color',[1 1 1]) % Axis is not scaled
axis auto % Numbers on axes are crushing.
set(AXPrim(1),'ytickmode','auto') % This is new....
line([0 24],[0 1500],'parent',AXPrim(2),'Color',[1 1 1]) % Axis is not scaled
axis auto % Numbers on axes are crushing.
set(AXPrim(2),'ytickmode','auto') % This is new....
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