我實現了一個Java SWT SashForm 3個窗格:的Java SWT調整大小TRIPPLE SashForm不斷中間順利
SashForm oSash = new SashForm(cmptParent, SWT.NONE);
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
gridLayout.numColumns = 3;
oSash.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.FILL, true, true));
Composite oPaneLeft = new Composite(oSash, SWT.NONE);
Composite oPaneMiddle = new Composite(oSash, SWT.NONE);
Composite oPaneRight = new Composite(oSash, SWT.NONE);
private static Boolean sisResizeSashMiddle = false;
private static int siPosSashMiddleOffset = 0;
cmptPaneMiddle = new Composite(cmptParent, SWT.NONE);
cmptPaneMiddle.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
public void mouseDown(MouseEvent arg0)
// The user wishes to resize the sash.
AppMain.sisResizeSashMiddle = true;
AppMain.siPosSashMiddleOffset = arg0.x - AppMain.siPosSashMiddleStart;
public void mouseUp(MouseEvent arg0)
// The user finished resizing the sash.
AppMain.sisResizeSashMiddle = false;
cmptPaneMiddle.addMouseMoveListener(new MouseMoveListener()
public void mouseMove(MouseEvent arg0)
// Only resize the sashes if user hold down the mouse while dragging.
if (true == AppMain.sisResizeSashMiddle)
// Compute the width of each sash.
int icxShell = shell.getSize().x;
int icxLeft = arg0.x - AppMain.siPosSashMiddleOffset;
int icxMiddle = AppMain.BrowserSash_Pane_Middle_Width;
int icxRight = shell.getSize().x - icxLeft - icxMiddle;
// Compute the weights.
int iWeightLeft = 10000 * icxLeft/icxShell;
int iWeightMiddle = 10000 * icxMiddle/icxShell;
int iWeightRight = 10000 * icxRight/icxShell;
// Set the weights.
int[] weights = new int[] {iWeightLeft, iWeightMiddle, iWeightRight};
這除了提高事情有點,但我還是看到了生澀的行爲,更不用說來回,像控制試圖打我運動。這可能與weight屬性是一個整數有關。其實,恕我直言,整個「重量」概念在這種情況下是有缺陷的。我應該能夠指定每個窗框的大小。 – 2014-10-07 14:07:45