print('Welcome to Word Madness!!')
vowels = list('aeioyu')
consonants = list('bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz')
wordCount = 0
complete = False
while not complete:
mode = input('Would you like to type Vowels, Consonants, or Quit?: ').lower().strip()
print('You chose to enter: ',str(mode))
#When user chooses to quit program will system exit
if mode == 'quit':
print('Sorry to see you go! Come back to Word Madness soon!')
import sys
#If vowels are selected then they will be counted
if mode == 'vowels':
word = input('Please enter your word!')
number_of_vowels = sum(word.count(i) for i in vowels)
print('Your word was : ',word,'Your Vowel count was: ',number_of_vowels)
wordCount = wordCount + 1
choice = input('Do you have another word? Y/N: ').lower().strip()
if choice == 'n':
averageV = int(number_of_vowels // wordCount)
print('Your average number of Vowels was: ',averageV)
print('Thank you for using Word Madness!')
complete = True
mode = 'vowels'
#If consonants are selected then they will be counted
elif mode == 'consonants':
word = input('Please enter your word!')
number_of_consonants = sum(word.count(i) for i in consonants)
print('Your word was : ',word,'Your Consonant count was: ',number_of_consonants)
wordCount = wordCount + 1
choice = input('Do you have another word? Y/N: ').lower().strip()
if choice =='n':
averageC = int(number_of_consonants // wordCount)
print('Your average number of Consonants was: ',averageC)
print('Thank you for using Word Madness!')
complete = True
#If user has no more words to enter then they are given an average
mode == 'consonants'
代碼對我來說似乎很好。你能澄清你在尋找代碼嗎? – ifconfig
這裏有問題嗎?沒有任何明確的問題陳述。 –
我很抱歉。問題是,當用戶輸入「y」時,而不是返回到if模式== x,它將返回到未完成狀態。想知道是否有一種方法讓用戶的輸入返回到他們輸入元音或輔音時,而不是重新開始播放節目。 –