- 詢問用戶他們想要移動文本的單位數。
- 提示用戶輸入一些文本。
- 通過該單位應用凱撒班次並打印結果。
import java.util.Scanner;
class Shift{
public static void main(String[] args){
//This will scan for user input.
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Shift by this many characters (0-25): ");
int shift = sc.nextInt();
sc.nextLine();//Skips over the whitespace after the integer
System.out.print("Enter Text: ");
String input = sc.nextLine();
//Initialise a character array containing every letter in the alphabet.
char[] alphabetArray = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',
char[] alphabetArrayCaps = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
//Initialise the two variables that will be used in the next step.
char[] constantArray = input.toCharArray();
char[] output = input.toCharArray();
//Implement a Caesar shift by the given number of units.
for (int i=0; i < constantArray.length; i++){ //cycles through the user input character by character
for (int j=0; j <= 25; j++){ //cycles through the alphabet
if (constantArray[i] == alphabetArray[j]){
output[i] = alphabetArray[(j+shift)%26];
else if (constantArray[i] == alphabetArrayCaps[j]){
output[i] = alphabetArrayCaps[(j+shift)%26];
這段代碼的問題是,當用戶被要求輸入一個整數,就會有一個例外,如果輸入別的。我認爲這將是瞭解處理異常的好地方,並且已經提到this guide關於如何使用try-catch塊來達到這個目的。
import java.util.Scanner;
class Shift{
public static void main(String[] args){
//This will scan for user input.
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Shift by this many characters (0-25): ");
try {
int shift = sc.nextInt();
catch (java.util.InputMismatchException e){
System.err.println("InputMismatchException: " + e.getMessage());
sc.nextLine();//Skips over the whitespace after the integer
System.out.print("Enter Text: ");
String input = sc.nextLine();
//Initialise a character array containing every letter in the alphabet.
char[] alphabetArray = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',
char[] alphabetArrayCaps = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
//Initialise the two variables that will be used in the next step.
char[] constantArray = input.toCharArray();
char[] output = input.toCharArray();
//Implement a Caesar shift by the given number of units.
for (int i=0; i < constantArray.length; i++){ //cycles through the user input character by character
for (int j=0; j <= 25; j++){ //cycles through the alphabet
if (constantArray[i] == alphabetArray[j]){
output[i] = alphabetArray[(j+shift)%26];
else if (constantArray[i] == alphabetArrayCaps[j]){
output[i] = alphabetArrayCaps[(j+shift)%26];
不在這裏給出答覆,但它會如果你改變你的char數組聲明爲'char [] alphabetArray =「abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz」.toCharArray'和'char [] alphabetArrayCaps =「ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ」.toCharArray();' – mirvine 2014-11-23 21:35:43
@ itrollin98我在想,當我這樣做時,必須有一個更簡單的方法。這真是一個很棒的提示,謝謝。 – Peachy 2014-11-23 21:43:38