我得到一個錯誤,如果條件(我猜日期差異),但我想不出原因。Microsoft Access VBA Datediff錯誤
現在:格式爲DD.MM.YYYY HH當前系統時間:MM:SS
原點:是從格式DD.MM.YYYY HH表的日期:MM :SS
Public Function ImportDateCheckSpec(eing As String) As error
Dim datum As Date
Dim error As New error
error.Success = True
error.Code = 2
error.Message = "There has been a problem with the given Date. This might be due to:" + vbCrLf + " *The date is befor the current date. " + vbCrLf + " *The date is in the wrong format."
Debug.Print 4
On Error GoTo Fail
datum = CDate(eing)
Debug.Print datum
Debug.Print Now
If (DateDiff("Day", Now, datum) < 0) Then '<----- Here is the error
Debug.Print 2
error.Success = False
Set ImportDateCheckSpec = error
End If
Exit Function
Debug.Print 3
error.Success = True
Set ImportDateCheckSpec = error
Exit Function
End Function
'Day'是無效的:'則DateDiff( 「d」,現在,基準)' - 注意' 「99999」'會通過你的測試... –
'Error'是關鍵詞,強烈建議您用其他方法改變它。最好在模塊聲明中使用'Option Explicit'。轉到選項>>需要變量聲明才能激活它。 –
謝謝,爲什麼「99999」會通過? – Lukas