2011-12-10 34 views

我有一個項目到期,我無法找到我的錯誤。請在最後一週的白癡上可惜。 :) Android/Eclipse項目有錯誤。我認爲這是一個錯過}但我似乎無法找到它。整個項目在這裏:http://www.andrewadcock.com/flag.zip雖然我認爲這只是以下代碼中的錯誤。非常感謝您的幫助,我花了大約4個小時來尋找問題。Android/Eclipse代碼中的錯誤


//Main Activity Flag Quiz game app 
package com.deitel.flagquizgame; 

import java.io.IOException; 
import java.io.InputStream; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Collections; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Map; 
import java.util.Random; 
import java.util.Set; 

import android.app.Activity; 
import android.app.AlertDialog; 
import android.app.AlertDialog.Builder; 
import android.content.Context; 
import android.content.DialogInterface; 
import android.content.res.AssetManager; 
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; 
import android.os.Bundle; 
import android.os.Handler; 
import android.util.Log; 
import android.view.LayoutInflater; 
import android.view.Menu; 
import android.view.MenuItem; 
import android.view.View; 
import android.view.View.OnClickListener; 
import android.view.animation.Animation; 
import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; 
import android.widget.Button; 
import android.widget.ImageView; 
import android.widget.TableLayout ; 
import android.widget.TableRow; 
import android.widget.TextView; 

public class FlagQuizGame extends Activity 
    // String used when logging error messages 
    private static final String TAG = "FlagQuizGame Activity" ; 

    private List<String> fileNameList; //flag filenames 
    private List<String> quizCountriesList;// names of countries 
    private Map<String, Boolean> regionsMap; //enabled regions 
    private String correctAnswer; // correct country per current flag 
    private int totalGuesses; // guesses made 
    private int correctAnswers; // correct guesses 
    private int guessRows; // no. of rows w/ choices 
    private Random random; // random number gen 
    private Handler handler; //used to delay next flag load 
    private Animation shakeAnimation ; //incorrect guess animation 

    private TextView answerTextView ; // Displays In/Correct 
    private TextView questionNumberTextView; //shows current question # 
    private ImageView flagImageView ; //displays a flag 
    private TableLayout buttonTableLayout; // table of answer buttons 

    // called upon creation 
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 
     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); //call superclass method 
     setContentView(R.layout.main); //inflate GUI 

     fileNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); 
     quizCountriesList = new ArrayList<String>(); 
     regionsMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); 
     guessRows = 1; //default to one row of choices 
     random = new Random(); //initialize the random number gen. 
     handler = new Handler(); // performs delayed oper. 

     //load shake animation for incorrect guesses 
     shakeAnimation = 
      AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.incorrect_shake); 
     shakeAnimation.setRepeatCount(3);//animation repeats 3 times 

     //get array of world regions from strings.xml 
     String[] regionNames = 

     //by default countries are all chosen from all regions 
     for (String region : regionNames) 
      regionsMap.put(region, true); 

     //get references to GUI components 
     questionNumberTextView = 
      (TextView) findViewById(R.id.questionNumberTextView); 
     flagImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.flagImageView); 
     buttonTableLayout = 
       (TableLayout) findViewById(R.id.buttonTableLayout); 
     answerTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.answerTextView); 

     //set questionNumberTextView's text 
      getResources().getString(R.string.question) + " 1 " + 
      getResources().getString(R.string.of) + " 10"); 

     resetQuiz(); // start quiz anew 
    }//end of method onCreate 

    //set up & start next quiz 
    private void resetQuiz() 
     //use the AssetManage to get image flag 
     //file names for the enabled regions 
     AssetManager assets = getAssets(); //get the app's AssetManager 
     fileNameList.clear(); //empty list 

      Set<String> regions = regionsMap.keySet(); 

      //loop through each region 
      for (String region : regions) 
       if (regionsMap.get(region))//if region is enabled 
        //get list of all flag image files in this region 
        String[] paths = assets.list(region); 

        for (String path : paths) 
         fileNameList.add(path.replace(".png", "")); 
       }//end if 
      }//end for 
     }//end try 
     catch (IOException e) 
      Log.e(TAG, "Error loading image file names", e); 
     }//end catch 

     correctAnswers = 0; //reset the number of correct answers to 0 
     totalGuesses = 0; //reset the total number of guesses to 0 
     quizCountriesList.clear();//clear the prior list 

     //add 10 random file names the quizCountriesList 
     int flagCounter = 1; 
     int numberOfFlags = fileNameList.size();//get number of flags 

     while (flagCounter <= 10) 
      int randomIndex = random.nextInt(numberOfFlags);//random index 

      //get random file name 
      String fileName = fileNameList.get(randomIndex); 

      //if the region is enabled and it hasn't already been chosen 
      if (!quizCountriesList.contains(fileName)) 
      }//end if 
     }//end while 

     loadNextFlag();//start the quiz by loading the first flag 
    }//end method resetQuiz 

    //after user guesses a correct flag, load the next one 
    private void loadNextFlag() 
     //get file name of next flag and remove it from list 
     String nextImageName = quizCountriesList.remove(0); 
     correctAnswer = nextImageName; //update the correct answer 

     answerTextView.setText(""); //clear answerTextView 

     //displays the number of current question 
      getResources().getString(R.string.question) + " " + 
      (correctAnswers + 1) + " " + 
      getResources().getString(R.string.of) + " 10"); 

     //extract the region from the next image's name 
     String region = 
      nextImageName.substring(0, nextImageName.indexOf('~')); 

     //use AssetManager to load next image from assets folder 
     AssetManager assets = getAssets(); 
     InputStream stream; //used to read flag images 

      //get an InputStream to the asset representing the next flag 
      stream = assets.open(region + "/" + nextImageName + ".png"); 

      //load the asset as a drawable display on the flagImageView 
      Drawable flag = Drawable.createFromStream(stream, nextImageName); 
     }//end try 
     catch (IOException e) 
      Log.e(TAG, "Error loading "+ nextImageName, e); 
     }//end catch 

    // clear prior answer Buttons f r om TableRol'I'!oo 
    for (int row = 0; row < buttonTableLayout.getChildCount(); ++row) 
     ((TableRow) buttonTableLayout.getChildAt(row)).removeAllViews(); 


    //put the correct answer aht the end of FileNameList 
    int correct = fileNameList.indexOf(correctAnswer); 

    //get a reference to the LayoutInflater service 
    LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(

    // add 3, 6, or 9 answer buttons based on the value of guess rows 
    for (int row = 0; row < guessRows; row++) 
     TableRow currentTableRow = getTableRow(row); 

    //place Buttons in currentTableRow 
     for (int column = 0; column < 3; column ++) 
      //inflate guess_button.xml to create new Button 
      Button newGuessButton = 
       (Button) inflater.inflate(R.layout.guess_button, null); 

      //get country name and set it as newGuessButton's text 
      String fileName = fileNameList.get((row * 3) + column); 

      //register answerButtonListener to respond to button 
     }//end for 
    } //end for 

     //randomly replace on Button with the correct answer 
     int row = random.nextInt(guessRows);//pick random row 
     int column = random.nextInt(3);//pick random column 
     TableRow randomTableRow = getTableRow(row); // get the table row 
     String countryName = getCountryName(correctAnswer); 

    //returns the specified TableRow 
    private TableRow getTableRow(int row) 
     return (TableRow) buttonTableLayout.getChildAt(row); 
    }//end method getTableRow 

    //parses the country flag file name and returns the country name 
    private String getCountryName(String name) 
     return name.substring(name.indexOf('-') + 1).replace('_', ' '); 
    }//end method getCountryName 

    // called when the user selects an answer 
    private void submitGuess(Button guessButton) 
     String guess = guessButton.getText().toString(); 
     String answer = getCountryName(correctAnswer); 
     ++totalGuesses; //increment the number of guesses the user has made 

     //if the guess is correct 
     if (guess.equals(answer)) 
      ++correctAnswers; //increment score 

      //display "Correct!" in the green text 
      answerTextView.setText(answer + "!"); 

      disableButtons(); //disable all answer buttons 

      //if the user has correctly identified 10 flags 
      if (correctAnswers == 10) 
       //create an AlertDialog Builder 
       AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); 

       builder.setTitle(R.string.reset_quiz);//title bar string 

       //set AlertDialog's message to display game results 
       builder.setMessage(String.format("%d %s, %.02f%% %s", 
        totalGuesses, getResources().getString(R.string.guesses), 
        (1000/(double) totalGuesses), 


       //add "Reset Quiz" Button 
        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() 
         public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) 
         }//end method OnClick 
        }//end anon. inner class 
       );//end call to setPositiveButton 

    //create AlertDialog from the Builder 
     AlertDialog resetDialog = builder.create(); 
     resetDialog.show(); //display the Dialog 
    } //end if 
    else //answer is correct but quiz is incomplete 
     //load the next flag after 1second delay 
      new Runnable() 
       public void run() 
      }, 1000); // 1000 milliseconds for 1-second delay 
     }//end else 
    }//end if 
    else // guess was incorrect 
     //play the animation 

     //display "Incorrect!" in red 
     guessButton.setEnabled(false);//disable the incorrect answer 
    }//end else 
    }//end method submitGuess 

    //utility method disables all answer buttons 
    private void disableButtons() 
     for (int row = 0; row < buttonTableLayout.getChildCount(); ++row) 
      TableRow tableRow = (TableRow) buttonTableLayout.getChildAt(row); 
      for (int i = 0; i < tableRow.getChildCount(); ++i) 
     }//end outer for 
    }//end method disableButtons 

    //create constants for each menu id 
    private final int CHOICES_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST; 
    private final int REGIONS_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST + 1; 

    //called when the user accesses the options menu 
    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) 

     //add two options to the menu - "Choices" and "Regions" 
     menu.add(Menu.NONE, CHOICES_MENU_ID, Menu.NONE, R.string.choices); 
     menu.add(Menu.NONE, REGIONS_MENU_ID, Menu.NONE, R.string.regions); 

     return true; //display the menu 
    }//end method onCreateOptionsMenu 

    //called when the user selects an option from the menu 
    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) 
     //switch the menu id of the user-selected option 
     switch (item.getItemId()) 
     case CHOICES_MENU_ID: 
      //create a list of the possible numbers of answer choices 
      final String[] possibleChoices = 

      //create a new AlertDialog Builder and set its title 
      AlertDialog.Builder choicesBuilder = 
       new AlertDialog.Builder(this); 

      //add possibleChoices items to the dialog and set the 
      //behavior for when one of them is clicked 
       new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() 
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) 
         //update guessRows to match the user's choice 
         guessRows = Integer.parseInt(
         resetQuiz(); //reset the quiz 
        }//end method onClick 
       }//end anon. inner class 
      ); //end call to setItems 

      //create an AlertDialog from the Builder 
      AlertDialog choicesDialog = choicesBuilder.create(); 
      choicesDialog.show(); // show the Dialog 
      return true; 

     case REGIONS_MENU_ID: 
      //get array of world regions 
      final String[] regionNames = 
       regionsMap.keySet().toArray(new String[regionsMap.size()]); 

      //boolean array representing whether each region is enabled 
      boolean[] regionsEnabled = new boolean[regionsMap.size()]; 
      for (int i=0; i < regionsEnabled.length;++i) 
       regionsEnabled[i] = regionsMap.get(regionNames[i]); 

      //create an AlertDialog Builder and set the dialog's title 
      AlertDialog.Builder regionsBuilder = 
       new AlertDialog.Builder(this); 

      //replace_with the space in the region names for display purposes 
      String[] displayNames = new String[regionNames.length]; 
      for(int i=0; i<regionNames.length; ++i) 
       displayNames[i]=regionNames[i].replace('_',' '); 

     //add displayNames to the Dialog and set behavior 
     //when one of the new items is clicked 
      displayNames, regionsEnabled, 
      new DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener() 
       public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which, 
        boolean isChecked) 
        //include ot exclude the clicked region 
        //depending on whether or not it's checked 
         regionNames[which].toString(), isChecked); 
       }//end method onClick 
      }//end anon. inner class 
     );//end call to setMultiChoiceItems 

    //resets quiz when user presses "Reset Quiz" button 
     new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() 
      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int button) 
       resetQuiz();//reset the quiz 
      }//end method OnClick 
     }//end anon. inner class 
    );//end call to method setPositiveButton 

     //create a dialog from the Builder 
     AlertDialog regionsDialog = regionsBuilder.create(); 
     regionsDialog.show();//display the Dialog 
     return true; 
    }// end switch 

     return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); 
    }//end method onOptionsItemSelected 
     //called when a guess Button is touched 
     private OnClickListener guessButtonListener = OnClickListener() 
      public void onClick(View v) 
       submitGuess((Button) v);//pass selected button to submitGuess 
      }//end method onClick 
     };//end answerButtonListener 
}//end FlagQuizGame 

什麼是錯誤?哪一條是306線?我真的不想嘗試數線來找到它。 –




for (int row = 0; row < guessRows; row++) 
    TableRow currentTableRow = getTableRow(row); 
//place Buttons in currentTableRow 
    for (int column = 0; column < 3; column ++) 
     //inflate guess_button.xml to create new Button 
     Button newGuessButton = 
      (Button) inflater.inflate(R.layout.guess_button, null); 

     //get country name and set it as newGuessButton's text 
     String fileName = fileNameList.get((row * 3) + column); 

     //register answerButtonListener to respond to button 
    }//end for 
}//end for 



  • 個總是使用大括號如果/爲/等語句,即使身體只是一個單一的線
  • 你問Eclipse來格式化你的代碼對你來說,特別是當你遇到問題,像這樣的
  • 你試試保持你的方法更短;這使得它更容易發現問題

感謝您的快速響應。但是,帖子中的代碼沒有第四行的右括號,當我添加它時會破壞循環。我確實接受了關於使用Eclipse格式化代碼的建議,這非常棒! – user1090957


@ user1090957:我正在查看zip文件中的代碼。如果你打算髮布兩種不同版本的代碼,而沒有指出錯誤消息是什麼,這是沒有希望的。見http://tinyurl.com/so-hints –


哦。我非常抱歉。謝謝。你說得對,zip中的代碼是我的最新版本。我全心全意道歉。我真的很感激你看着這個。那真是愚蠢的我。請不要在此浪費更多時間。我會弄清楚併發布答案。再次,我真的很抱歉。 – user1090957