該代碼可以被複制和粘貼成Python 2.7(Jupyter筆記本電腦)快速運行一下,看看效果:
# Note how warnings in this sample are held until after code is run and then output at the end ...
from warnings import warn
from warnings import resetwarnings
class myClass(object):
def __init__(self, numberArg):
if numberArg > 1000:
self._tmpTxt = "That's a really big number for this code." + \
"Code may take a while to run..."
warn("\n%s %s" %(numberArg, self._tmpTxt), stacklevel=1, category=RuntimeWarning)
# possible categories (some of them):
# UserWarning, Warning, RunTimeWarning, ResourceWarning
# stacklevel was a experiment w/ no visible effect
# in this instance
resetwarnings() # tried putting this before and after the warn()
print("If this were real code:")
print("Actions code takes because this is a big number would happen here.")
print("If this were real code, it would be doing more stuff here ...")
mc1 = myClass(1001)
# In this case, we want the warning to come before code execution. This is easily fixed as shown below.
# note: removed some extraneous useless stuff, the line to look for is sys.stderr.flush()
from warnings import warn
from warnings import resetwarnings
class myClass(object):
def __init__(self, numberArg):
if numberArg > 1000:
self._tmpTxt = "That's a really big number for this code." + \
"Code may take a while to run..."
warn("\n%s %s" %(numberArg, self._tmpTxt), category=Warning)
sys.stderr.flush() # put this after each warn() to make it output more immediately
print("If this were real code:")
print("Actions code takes because this is a big number would happen here.")
print("If this were real code, it would be doing more stuff here ...")
mc1 = myClass(1001)
# code provided as an experiment ... may be updated later with a more useful example ...
# in theory, filterwarnings should help shake out repeat warnings if used with right arguments
# * note how our loop causes the content to print twice, and in theory, the 3 instances of warnings
# * occur twice each for 6 possible output warnings
# * each new occurance (3 of them) still outputs, but when the same ones come up again, they don't
# * we get 3 instead of 6 warnings ... this should be the effect of filterwarning("once")
# in this instance
# help on this: https://docs.python.org/3/library/warnings.html#warning-filter
# in this example:
# "once" arg = print only the first occurrence of matching warnings, regardless of location
from warnings import warn
from warnings import resetwarnings
from warnings import filterwarnings
class myClass(object):
def __init__(self, numberArg):
for i in [1,2]:
if numberArg > 1000:
print("loop count %d:" %(i))
self._tmpTxt = "That's a really big number for this code." + \
"Code may take a while to run..."
warn("\n%s %s" %(numberArg, self._tmpTxt), stacklevel=1, category=RuntimeWarning)
sys.stderr.flush() # this provides warning ahead of the output instead of after it
# resetwarnings() # no noticeable effect on the code
print("If this were real code:")
print("Actions code takes because this is a big number would happen here.")
if numberArg > 20000:
self._tmpTxt = "That's a really really really big number for this code." + \
"Code may take a while to run..."
filterwarnings("once", "\nFW: %s %s" %(numberArg, self._tmpTxt))
warn("\n%s %s" %(numberArg, self._tmpTxt), stacklevel=0)
# resetwarnings() # no noticeable effect on the code
sys.stderr.flush() # this provides warning ahead of the output instead of after it
print("loop count %d:" %(i))
print("If this were real code, it would be doing more stuff here ...")
mc1 = myClass(1001)
mc2 = myClass(20001)
'warn'未從命令行延遲。消息傳遞到stderr,也許你的環境延遲觀看。 – tdelaney
我喜歡warn()的行爲方式。它輸出有問題的模塊名稱,代碼行號,然後輸出粉紅色的警告消息格式以提醒用戶出現問題。有沒有辦法解決這個問題?想法歡迎。 (只是想讓我的代碼更好)。注意:關於延遲理論,雖然本例中的代碼是簡單的,但在我的實際代碼中,計算需要3分鐘以上才能完成,並且最後仍會出現警告。如果是延遲,它似乎是「延遲到所有代碼完成」而不是基於時間。 – TMWP
怎麼樣沖洗stderr?無論如何,這會有所幫助嗎? – direprobs