2017-09-08 358 views

我正在嘗試使用R Markdown創建PDF文件。我運行時收到錯誤43。我嘗試使用R Markdown創建word文件和HTML,它工作正常。只有PDF文件不起作用。從R Markdown創建PDF文件時出錯(錯誤43失敗)

processing file: Test_New.Rmd 
    |......................           | 33% 
    ordinary text without R code 

    |...........................................      | 67% 
label: unnamed-chunk-1 (with options) 
List of 1 
$ tidy: logi TRUE 

    |.................................................................| 100% 
    ordinary text without R code 

/Applications/RStudio.app/Contents/MacOS/pandoc/pandoc +RTS -K512m -RTS 
Test_New.utf8.md --to latex --from 
markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash -- 
output Test_New.pdf --template/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/library/rmarkdown/rmd/latex/default- --highlight-style tango --latex-engine /usr/local/bin/pdflatex --variable graphics=yes --variable 'geometry:margin=1in' 
output file: Test_New.knit.md 

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.8.dylib 
    Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/pdflatex 
    Reason: image not found 

pandoc: Error producing PDF 
Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 43 
Execution halted 

我在R Markdown上的代碼如下。

title: "Test R Markdown" 
author: "Sam Ng" 
date: "September 1, 2017" 
    pdf_document: default 
    html_document: default 
    word_document: default 

# 1. R commands 

Testing R commands 

vector=c(1,2,3) # Create a new vector with three entries 
max(vector) # Returns the maximum of a vector 
min(vector) # Returns the minimum of a vector 


嘗試安裝MIKTEX? – jaySf




  1. 安裝MIKTEX
  2. 創建一個文件夾中安裝MIKTEX包,例如「C:\ miktex_pkgs」
  3. 轉到CTAN package archive和下載以下文件.tar.lzma:

-u RL

  • 上述.tar.lzma文件移動到 「C:\ miktex_pkgs」 文件夾
  • 設置你的包從本地存儲庫下載:「C:\ miktex_pkgs 」。要做到這一點,請訪問:

    • 「MIKTEX設置」 - 這是一個應用
    • 點擊套餐
    • 更改包庫爲 「C:\ miktex_pkgs」
  • 轉到「 Miktex Package Manager「應用程序並通過右鍵單擊安裝以下軟件包,請安裝:

    • 列表項目
    • fancyvrb
    • 陷害
    • microtype
    • mptopdf
    • 所有權
    • upquote
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