2013-05-16 63 views

當我嘗試上傳應用程序到Android Play商店中,我得到以下錯誤:ERROR:轉儲失敗,因爲沒有發現的AndroidManifest.xml

ERROR: dump failed because no AndroidManifest.xml found 


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我試過很多的組合,不同的Eclipse版本。甚至手動簽名。它不起作用 如果我嘗試運行aapt轉儲標記我得到相同的錯誤。




你使用任何代理軟件?因爲我曾經有過這個問題,當我使用UltraSurf時。 –


nope。有沒有代理涉及 – OWADVL


你的應用程序如何簽名? –




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從時間似乎時間有一個問題與日食下Windows 7,8


following points are need to be taken care of while uploading file on android market

"android:versionCode" attribute from AndroidManifest.xml is proper. "android:versionName" attribute from AndroidManifest.xml is proper. The package name is very unique,. Because all the apps on android market are separated by the package.

see all this is in place....

while uploading file to android market error


nope。還是行不通.... – OWADVL


選項#1採取:慢下來的再讀取的每一步。 (Source)。

Basic Setup for Signing.

Before you begin, make sure that the Keytool utility and Jarsigner utility are available to the SDK build tools. Both of these tools are available in the JDK. In most cases, you can tell the SDK build tools how to find these utilities by setting your JAVA_HOME environment variable so it references a suitable JDK. Alternatively, you can add the JDK version of Keytool and Jarsigner to your PATH variable.


Eclipse Users

If you are developing in Eclipse/ADT (and have set up Keytool and Jarsigner as described above in Basic Setup for Signing), signing in debug mode is enabled by default. When you run or debug your application, ADT signs the .apk file with the debug certificate, runs zipalign on the package, then installs it on the selected emulator or connected device. No specific action on your part is needed, provided ADT has access to Keytool.

選項#2:測試由一個無符號 '.apk文件' 應用程序所需的功能。 (Source)。

You can use the aapt tool, included in the Android SDK, to determine how Google Play will filter your application, based on its declared features and permissions. To do so, run aapt with the dump badging command. This causes aapt to parse your application's manifest and apply the same rules as used by Google Play to determine the features that your application requires.

To use the tool, follow these steps:

First, build and export your application as an unsigned .apk. If you are developing in Eclipse with ADT, right-click the project and select Android Tools > Export Unsigned Application Package. Select a destination filename and path and click OK. Next, locate the aapt tool, if it is not already in your PATH. If you are using SDK Tools r8 or higher, you can find aapt in the /platform-tools/ directory. Note: You must use the version of aapt that is provided for the latest Platform-Tools component available. If you do not have the latest Platform-Tools component, download it using the Android SDK Manager.

Run aapt using this syntax:

$ aapt dump badging <path_to_exported_.apk> 