2011-04-27 58 views


#include <stdio.h> /* NULL is defined here */ 
#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc() */ 
#include <string.h> /* for string related functions */ 

#define NAME_LEN 10 

struct data { 
    char name[NAME_LEN]; 
    int age; 
    int weight; 

typedef struct data DATA; 

struct linked_list { 
    DATA    d; 
    struct linked_list * next; 

typedef struct linked_list ELEMENT; 
typedef ELEMENT *   LINK; 

/* function prototypes */ 
LINK create_list_from_file(const char *); 
void print_list_to_file(LINK, const char *, const char *); 
int count(LINK, const int, const int); 
LINK lookup(const DATA, LINK); 
void insert(LINK, LINK, LINK); 

nt main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    LINK head, found, to_add; 
    char *in_file_name = "infile"; /* default input file name */ 
    char *out_file_name = "outfile"; /* default output file name */ 
    int a = 20, w = 150; /* will be used as the age limit and weight limit */ 

    /* The input and output files can be given as command line arguments */ 
    switch (argc) { 
    case 1: 
     printf("The default input and output files are %s and %s.\n", 
       in_file_name, out_file_name); 
    case 2: 
     printf("The input file is %s and the default output file is %s.\n", 
       argv[1], out_file_name); 
     in_file_name = argv[1]; 
    case 3: 
     printf("The input file is %s and the output file is %s.\n", 
       argv[1], argv[2]); 
     in_file_name = argv[1]; 
     out_file_name = argv[2]; 
     printf("The input file is %s and the output file is %s.\n", 
       argv[1], argv[2]); 
     in_file_name = argv[1]; 
     out_file_name = argv[2]; 
     printf("The remaining arguments are not used.\n"); 

1. invoke create_list_from_file() function to create a linear linked list 
    from the data in the input file, 
    head = create_list_from_file(in_file_name); 
2. invoke print_list_to_file() function with the writing mode ("w"), 
    print_list_to_file(head, out_file_name, "w"); 
3. invoke the count() function, 
4. output the counted result to the screen, 
    printf("The number of people with age over %d and weight over %d is %d.\n", 
      a, w, count(head, a, w)); 
5. invoke the lookup() function and insert() function, and 
    /* prepare an element to be looked-up and added */ 
    to_add = malloc(sizeof(ELEMENT)); 
    strcpy(to_add -> d.name, "Janet"); 
    to_add -> d.age = 21; 
    to_add -> d.weight = 150; 
    to_add -> next = NULL; 

    found = lookup(to_add -> d, head); 
    insert(head, found, to_add); 
6. invoke print_list_to_file() function with the append mode ("a"). 
    print_list_to_file(head, out_file_name, "a"); 

repeat step 5 with an element that does not exist in the current list 
    /* prepare an element to be looked-up and added */ 
    to_add = malloc(sizeof(ELEMENT)); 
    strcpy(to_add -> d.name, "Jerry"); 
    to_add -> d.age = 24; 
    to_add -> d.weight = 220; 
    to_add -> next = NULL; 

    found = lookup(to_add -> d, head); 
    insert(head, found, to_add); 
repeat step 6: invoke print_list_to_file() function with the append mode ("a"). 
    print_list_to_file(head, out_file_name, "a"); 

    return 0; 

該文件不必位於特定位置。只是谷歌「C文件閱讀示例」,你會發現很多的例子。上面的代碼與讀取文件無關。 – 2011-04-27 04:39:26


對不起,發佈了錯誤代碼 – Jacob 2011-04-27 04:42:46


@jonsca:不是這樣,'in_file_name'是一個'char *',並且可以指向'argv [1]'。 – 2011-04-27 04:51:38




#include <stdio.h> 
int i; 
FILE *f; 
f= fopen("D:\Temp\SomeFile.txt", "r"); 
fscanf(f, "%d", &i); 

您可以使用面向行的語義,如果你想(如上面的例子) - look C library reference for fopen等等應該有一些例子,它們很有用也。


這會失敗,你需要在將它們嵌入到字符串文字中時避開反斜槓。 – unwind 2011-04-27 07:22:35
