2016-02-06 27 views


從工作室跑出來的一切運行良好,我用IPA構建它發送給2個其他測試人員(iPhone 5c和6 Plus)。該圖5c運行良好,但是6加上不斷報告說,這得是以下錯誤:

找不到模塊:UI /普通/馬西德威的架構:x86_64的



appc ti build --platform ios --sdk 5.1.1.GA --target simulator -V "MyDeveloperCertificate" -P DevelopmentiOSProvisioningProfile 

[DEBUG] Loading: /Users/lmtzusr/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/C5FDC6E8-16B3-400A-BE02-7395B73C5060/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/E20F949C-712E-4DCC-A6F1-77537C3CC85C/MyNew.app/ui/common/MasterView.js, Resource: ui/common/MasterView_js 


Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.1.0 
Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

2/6/2016, 10:18:14 PM 

Operating System 
    Name      = Mac OS X 
    Version      = 10.10.5 
    Architecture    = 64bit 
    # CPUs      = 8 
    Memory      = 34359738368 

    Node.js Version    = 4.2.2 
    npm Version     = 2.14.7 

Titanium CLI 
    CLI Version     = 5.0.5 

Titanium SDK 
    SDK Version     = 5.1.1.GA 
    SDK Path     = /Users/lmtzusr/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.1.1.GA 
    Target Platform    = iphone 

    /usr/local/bin/node /Users/lmtzusr/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/bin/titanium build --platform ios --sdk 5.1.1.GA --target simulator -V MyDeveloperCertificate -P DevelopmentiOSProvisioningProfile --config-file /var/folders/1m/t5q8800n5hd4336871js49nm0000gn/T/build-1454793489011.json --log-level info --no-banner 

[INFO] Found Titanium module id=dk.napp.drawer version=1.2.4 platform=iphone deploy-type=development path=/Users/lmtzusr/Projects/TitaniumWorkspace/classic_test_1/modules/iphone/dk.napp.drawer/1.2.4 
[INFO] Found Titanium module id=analytics.google version=3.1.0 platform=iphone deploy-type=development path=/Users/lmtzusr/Projects/TitaniumWorkspace/classic_test_1/modules/iphone/analytics.google/3.1.0 
[INFO] Deploy type: development 
[INFO] Building for target: simulator 
[INFO] Building using iOS SDK: 9.2 
[INFO] Building for iOS Simulator: iPhone 6s Plus 
[INFO] Building for device family: iphone 
[INFO] Minimum iOS version: 7.1 
[INFO] Debugging disabled 
[INFO] Profiler disabled 
[INFO] Set to copy files instead of symlinking 
[INFO] Forcing rebuild: target changed since last build 
[INFO] Was: device 
[INFO] Now: simulator 
[INFO] Initializing the build directory 
[INFO] Creating Xcode project 
[INFO] Creating Entitlements.plist 
[INFO] Creating Info.plist 
[INFO] Disabling ATS 
[INFO] Creating main.m 
[INFO] Creating Xcode config files 
[INFO] Copying Titanium libraries 
[INFO] Copying Titanium iOS files 
[INFO] Creating debugger and profiler plists 
[INFO] Analyzing Resources directory 
[INFO] Analyzing platform files 
[INFO] Analyzing module files 
[INFO] Analyzing localized launch images 
[INFO] Analyzing CommonJS modules 
[INFO] Creating asset catalog 
[INFO] Creating app icon set 
[WARN] The default icon "DefaultIcon.png" contains an alpha channel and will be flattened against a white background 
[WARN] You may create an image named "DefaultIcon-ios.png" that does not have an alpha channel in the root of your project 
[WARN] It is highly recommended that the DefaultIcon.png be 1024x1024 
[INFO] Missing 6 app icons, generating missing icons 
[INFO] Resources/iphone/[email protected] - Used for iPhone, iPad - size: 58x58 
[INFO] Resources/iphone/[email protected] - Used for iPhone - size: 87x87 
[INFO] Resources/iphone/[email protected] - Used for iPhone, iPad - size: 80x80 
[INFO] Resources/iphone/[email protected] - Used for iPhone - size: 120x120 
[INFO] Resources/iphone/[email protected] - Used for iPhone - size: 120x120 
[INFO] Resources/iphone/[email protected] - Used for iPhone - size: 180x180 
[INFO] Creating launch image set 
[INFO] App thinning disabled, skipping asset image sets 
[INFO] Processing JavaScript files 
[INFO] Writing app properties 
[INFO] Writing i18n files 
[INFO] Processing Titanium symbols 
[INFO] Removing files 
[INFO] Invoking xcodebuild 
[INFO] Finished building the application in 54s 294ms 
[INFO] Launching iOS Simulator 
-- Start simulator log ------------------------------------------------------- 
[ERROR] Script Error Couldn't find module: ui/common/MasterView for architecture: x86_64 

appc ti info -t ios 
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.1.0 
Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

    7.2 (build 7C68) - Xcode default 
    Install Location   = /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer 
    iOS SDKs     = 9.2 
    iOS Simulators   = 9.2 
    Watch SDKs    = 2.1 
    Watch Simulators   = 2.1 
    Supported by TiSDK 5.1.2.GA = yes 
    EULA Accepted    = yes 
    Teams      = redacted MyDeveloperCertificate - Individual (active) 
           = redacted MyOrgaCert - Company/Organization (active) 

iOS Keychains 
    login.keychain    = /Users/lmtzusr/Library/Keychains/login.keychain 
    System.keychain    = /Library/Keychains/System.keychain 

iOS Development Certificates 
    MyDeveloperCertificate (redacted) 
    Not valid before   = 5/18/2015 12:14 PM 
    Not valid after   = 5/17/2016 12:14 PM 
    MyOrgaCert (redacted) 
    Not valid before   = 1/17/2016 2:28 PM 
    Not valid after   = 1/16/2017 2:28 PM 

iOS Distribution Certificates 

Apple WWDR Certificate 
    Apple WWDR     = installed 

Development iOS Provisioning Profiles 
    UUID      = redacted 
    App Prefix    = redacted 
    App Id     = com.domain.app 
    Date Created    = 1/30/2016 9:16 PM 
    Date Expired    = 1/29/2017 9:16 PM 

Distribution iOS Provisioning Profiles 

Ad Hoc iOS Provisioning Profiles 
    UUID      = redacted 
    App Prefix    = redacted 
    App Id     = com.domain.app 
    Date Created    = 1/31/2016 6:11 PM 
    Date Expired    = 5/1/2016 4:51 PM 

iOS Simulators 
    iPad 2 (ipad) 
    UDID      = D1AFF6C7-CB58-482B-B59D-FCAEB34F8924 
    Supports Watch Apps  = no 
    iPhone 6s Plus (iphone) 
    UDID      = C5FDC6E8-16B3-400A-BE02-7395B73C5060 
    Supports Watch Apps  = yes 

Connected iOS Devices 

iOS Issues 
    ! Unable to find any valid iOS distribution provisioning profiles. 
    This will prevent you from packaging apps for AppStore distribution. 
    You will need to login into http://appcelerator.com/ios-dist-certs with your Apple Download 
    account, then create, download, and install a profile. 

    ! Unable to find any valid iOS production distribution certificates. 
    This will prevent you from packaging apps for distribution. 
    You will need to login into http://appcelerator.com/ios-dist-certs with your Apple Download 
account, then create, download, and install a certificate. 

您可以在終端中打開的項目中嘗試ti- 64。 –


@SharifAbuDarda x86_64就在那裏,因爲它找不到CommonJS和本機模塊。這與 –


@ user1927033無關,您可以在需要此MasterView的位置添加代碼嗎? –



的 「流」 的輸出是這樣:app.js - >ui/handheld/ios/ApplicationWindow.js - >我的東西

如果我移動我ApplicationWindow.js到預期的位置,並改變它的工作正常的名稱。是否有未公開的功能需要以特定方式命名文件(除app.js外)。 希望只是有點奇怪,如果我改變我的應用程序,它的工作方式(重命名文件並移動它)並沒有什麼不同。


您正在嘗試引用ui/common/masterview,但似乎雖然exe文件無法在其中找到適當的路徑。 您能否提及導致問題的路徑以及修復問題的路徑? – Soumya