2016-02-26 33 views

我有一個VPS,我們在其中託管了多個域。我們的電子郵件存在問題,因爲我們很少的域名的電子郵件始終在Gmail中發送垃圾郵件。我們爲所有域添加了DKIM和SPF。在我未能解決問題後,我也嘗試與我的託管服務提供商聯繫(Host IT Smart)。他們也無法找到任何解決方案。你能建議我解決這個問題嗎?以下是verifier.port25.com即使在添加DK​​IM和SFP記錄後,電子郵件也會從我的vps發送到Gmail垃圾郵件文件夾中

This message is an automatic response from Port25's authentication verifier 
service at verifier.port25.com. The service allows email senders to perform 
a simple check of various sender authentication mechanisms. It is provided 
free of charge, in the hope that it is useful to the email community. While 
it is not officially supported, we welcome any feedback you may have at 
<[email protected]>. 

Thank you for using the verifier, 

The Port25 Solutions, Inc. team 

Summary of Results 
SPF check:   pass 
DomainKeys check: neutral 
DKIM check:   pass 
Sender-ID check: pass 
SpamAssassin check: ham 


HELO hostname: vps.technowebs.in 
Source IP: 
mail-from:  [email protected] 

SPF check details: 
Result:   pass 
ID(s) verified: [email protected] 
DNS record(s): 
    easyretail.in. SPF (no records) 
    easyretail.in. 11089 IN TXT "v=spf1 +a +mx + ~all" 
    easyretail.in. 0 IN A 

DomainKeys check details: 
Result:   neutral (message not signed) 
ID(s) verified: [email protected] 
DNS record(s): 

DKIM check details: 
Result:   pass (matches From: [email protected]) 
ID(s) verified: header.d=easyretail.in 
Canonicalized Headers: 
    from:[email protected]'0D''0A' 
    to:<[email protected]>'0D''0A' 

Canonicalized Body: 

DNS record(s): 
    default._domainkey.easyretail.in. 14400 IN TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCsF6ZDVntzQYgh7niTVm4zEGxx3tpKuRDEtjj2lCNSGotO409tcZNAf2TZwsXCMRqOFmlgcRbbvGCI3Ze1l4EiW/msO2/KpFnf0mJ0iDQ4GH7zj7WBIql+yoZAaoYmyYsX7RWeVn9J+yYQcjSYL8/znm1nVZVwi8LLGRyB8+O4ZQIDAQAB" 

Public key used for verification: default._domainkey.easyretail.in (1024 bits) 

NOTE: DKIM checking has been performed based on the latest DKIM specs 
(RFC 4871 or draft-ietf-dkim-base-10) and verification may fail for 
older versions. If you are using Port25's PowerMTA, you need to use 
version 3.2r11 or later to get a compatible version of DKIM. 

Sender-ID check details: 
Result:   pass 
ID(s) verified: [email protected] 
DNS record(s): 
    easyretail.in. SPF (no records) 
    easyretail.in. 11089 IN TXT "v=spf1 +a +mx + ~all" 
    easyretail.in. 0 IN A 

SpamAssassin check details: 
SpamAssassin v3.4.0 (2014-02-07) 

Result:   ham (-2.0 points, 5.0 required) 

pts rule name    description 
---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 
-1.9 BAYES_00    BODY: Bayes spam probability is 0 to 1% 
          [score: 0.0000] 
-0.1 DKIM_VALID_AU   Message has a valid DKIM or DK signature from author's 
0.1 DKIM_SIGNED   Message has a DKIM or DK signature, not necessarily valid 
-0.1 DKIM_VALID    Message has at least one valid DKIM or DK signature 
0.0 BODY_SINGLE_WORD  Message body is only one word (no spaces) 

Explanation of the possible results (from RFC 5451) 

SPF and Sender-ID Results 

     No policy records were published at the sender's DNS domain. 

     The sender's ADMD has asserted that it cannot or does not 
     want to assert whether or not the sending IP address is authorized 
     to send mail using the sender's DNS domain. 

     The client is authorized by the sender's ADMD to inject or 
     relay mail on behalf of the sender's DNS domain. 

    The client is authorized to inject or relay mail on behalf 
     of the sender's DNS domain according to the authentication 
     method's algorithm, but local policy dictates that the result is 

     This client is explicitly not authorized to inject or 
     relay mail using the sender's DNS domain. 

     The sender's ADMD believes the client was not authorized 
     to inject or relay mail using the sender's DNS domain, but is 
     unwilling to make a strong assertion to that effect. 

     The message could not be verified due to some error that 
     is likely transient in nature, such as a temporary inability to 
     retrieve a policy record from DNS. A later attempt may produce a 
     final result. 

     The message could not be verified due to some error that 
     is unrecoverable, such as a required header field being absent or 
     a syntax error in a retrieved DNS TXT record. A later attempt is 
     unlikely to produce a final result. 

DKIM and DomainKeys Results 

     The message was not signed. 

     The message was signed, the signature or signatures were 
     acceptable to the verifier, and the signature(s) passed 
     verification tests. 

     The message was signed and the signature or signatures were 
     acceptable to the verifier, but they failed the verification 

     The message was signed but the signature or signatures were 
     not acceptable to the verifier. 

     The message was signed but the signature or signatures 
     contained syntax errors or were not otherwise able to be 
     processed. This result SHOULD also be used for other 
     failures not covered elsewhere in this list. 

     The message could not be verified due to some error that 
     is likely transient in nature, such as a temporary inability 
     to retrieve a public key. A later attempt may produce a 
     final result. 

     The message could not be verified due to some error that 
     is unrecoverable, such as a required header field being 
     absent. A later attempt is unlikely to produce a final result. 

Original Email 

Return-Path: <[email protected]> 
Received: from vps.technowebs.in ( by verifier.port25.com id hq1i5c20i3gi for <[email protected]>; Fri, 26 Feb 2016 09:42:30 -0500 (envelope-from <[email protected]>) 
Authentication-Results: verifier.port25.com; spf=pass [email protected] 
Authentication-Results: verifier.port25.com; domainkeys=neutral (message not signed) [email protected] 
Authentication-Results: verifier.port25.com; dkim=pass (matches From: [email protected]) header.d=easyretail.in 
Authentication-Results: verifier.port25.com; sender-id=pass [email protected] 
Received: from www.easyretail.in (localhost.localdomain []) 
     by vps.technowebs.in (Postfix) with ESMTPA id 8C6093C2593 
     for <[email protected]>; Fri, 26 Feb 2016 20:12:29 +0530 (IST) 
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple; d=easyretail.in; 
     s=default; t=1456497749; 
MIME-Version: 1.0 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit 
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 20:12:29 +0530 
From: [email protected] 
To: <[email protected]> 
Subject: t 
Message-ID: <[email protected]> 
X-Sender: [email protected] 
User-Agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.8.5 


最好的問候, Rajib德布



Gmail中有自己的垃圾郵件檢測系統,和你的DNS /郵件服務器配置看起來不錯,固體。根據這些事實,我會假設 - 要麼發送(作爲郵件主題/正文)被gmail 視爲垃圾郵件相關的內容 - 或者您的域名/ IP地址與gmail的歷史記錄不符(讓我們假設在您嘗試發送一些未正確配置郵件域的測試電子郵件的服務器配置過程太早)。 Gmail記錄了這些糟糕的嘗試,並且由於過去的歷史記錄認爲它們是垃圾郵件。



感謝您的建議,讓我們看看接下來會發生什麼。 –


Gmail現在有一個郵件管理器工具,您可以檢查您的域名/ IP信譽歷史和垃圾郵件率,並在「驗證」區域中檢查DKIM/SPF/DMARC是否正常工作。


