2017-09-18 37 views



#include <cstdio> 

typedef unsigned char byte; 
typedef unsigned short ushort; 
typedef struct bwordSt { ushort nbLetters; byte *L; } bword; 

template<typename T, size_t N> 
    ushort checkBwL(T (&wL)[N], ushort wSz) { 
    return 0; 

ushort checkBwL(const byte* const &wL, ushort wSz) { 
    return 0; 

ushort checkBw(const bword &bw) { 
    return checkBwL(bw.L, bw.nbLetters); 

int main() { 
    ushort n; 
    byte fL[2] = {0, 1}; 
    n = checkBwL(fL, 2); // calls the template function 

    bword bW = {2, new byte[3]}; 
    bW.L[0] = 0; bW.L[1] = 1; bW.L[2] = 2; 
    n = checkBwL(bW.L, 3); // calls the non-template function 
    n = checkBw(bW);  // calls the non-template function 

    return n; 





無需模板功能,只是不要忘了在參數規格的&constconst byte* const &wL


什麼checkBWL做什麼? –


@ NathanOliver:固定。 @理查德:很多東西,結構實際上比這更豐富。 – ExpertNoob1


爲什麼不從模板函數調用非模板函數? – VTT




#include <cstdio> 

typedef unsigned char byte; 
typedef unsigned short ushort; 
typedef struct bwordSt { ushort nbLetters; byte *L; } bword; 

ushort check_impl(ushort length, const byte* buffer) 
    // do your actual checking here 
    return 0; 

template<typename T, size_t N> 
auto checkBw(T (&wL)[N], ushort wSz) -> ushort 
    return wSz == (N * sizeof(T)) && // assuming no null terminator 
    check_impl(wSz, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(wL)); 

ushort checkBw(const byte* const &wL, ushort wSz) { 
    return check_impl(wSz, wL); 

ushort checkBw(const bword &bw) { 
    return check_impl(bw.nbLetters, bw.L); 

int main() { 
    ushort n; 
    byte fL[2] = {0, 1}; 
    n = checkBw(fL, 2); // calls the template function 

    bword bW = {2, new byte[3]}; 
    bW.L[0] = 0; bW.L[1] = 1; bW.L[2] = 2; 
    n = checkBw(bW.L, 3); // calls the non-template function 
    n = checkBw(bW);  // calls the non-template function 

    return n; 

事實上,不需要模板函數,正如NathanOliver所述。儘管我的C++ 11編譯器不喜歡它,但你建議的技術非常有趣:test.cpp:14:36:error:'checkBw'函數使用'auto'類型說明符而不跟蹤返回類型:auto checkBw (...感謝無論如何,這是要記住的東西。 – ExpertNoob1


@ ExpertNoob1啊好的,我已經使用了一個C++ 14功能,我的歉意 –


@ ExpertNoob1 ...和編輯,使其與C++ 11兼容。 –