2013-10-04 55 views


import os,time 

for i in range(0,3): 

    os.system("adb reboot") 

我發現:ADB殼猴-p package.name -v 100 – user2661518


結帳此[ADB包裝(https://github.com/mdrabic/androidpy_tools/blob/development/adb.py)予在Python中寫道。如果您有很多adb電話需要執行,這可能會有所幫助。 – MDrabic




def _run_command(self, cmd): 
Execute an adb command via the subprocess module. If the process exits with 
a exit status of zero, the output is encapsulated into a ADBCommandResult and 
returned. Otherwise, an ADBExecutionError is thrown. 
    output = check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) 
    return ADBCommandResult(0,output) 
except CalledProcessError as e: 
    raise ADBProcessError(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output) 

要啓動一個應用程序,你可以使用命令am start -n yourpackagename/.activityname。要啓動設置應用程序,請運行adb shell am start -n com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings。這個計算器流程question詳細顯示了您可以通過命令行意圖啓動應用程序的選項。


def wait_boot_complete(self, encryption='off'): 
When data at rest encryption is turned on, there needs to be a waiting period 
during boot up for the user to enter the DAR password. This function will wait 
till the password has been entered and the phone has finished booting up. 


Wait for the BOOT_COMPLETED intent to be broadcast by check the system 
property 'sys.boot_completed'. A ADBProcessError is thrown if there is an 
error communicating with the device. 

This method assumes the phone will eventually reach the boot completed state. 

A check is needed to see if the output length is zero because the property 
is not initialized with a 0 value. It is created once the intent is broadcast. 

if encryption is 'on': 
    decrypted = None 
    target = 'trigger_restart_framework' 
    print 'waiting for framework restart' 
    while decrypted is None: 
    status = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop vold.decrypt") 
    if status.output.strip() == 'trigger_restart_framework': 
     decrypted = 'true' 

    #Wait for boot to complete. The boot completed intent is broadcast before 
    #boot is actually completed when encryption is enabled. So 'key' off the 
    status = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop init.svc.bootanim").output.strip() 
    print 'wait for animation to start' 
    while status == 'stopped': 
    status = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop init.svc.bootanim").output.strip() 

    status = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop init.svc.bootanim").output.strip() 
    print 'waiting for animation to finish' 
    while status == 'running': 
    status = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop init.svc.bootanim").output.strip()   

    boot = False 
    while(not boot):  
    res = self.adb.adb_shell(self.serial, "getprop sys.boot_completed") 
    if len(res.output.strip()) != 0 and int(res.output.strip()) is 1: 
     boot = True 