import sys
import traceback
import weka.core.jvm as jvm
#import wekaexamples.helper as helper
from weka.core.converters import Loader
from weka.classifiers import Classifier
def main(args):
# load a dataset
loader = Loader(classname="weka.core.converters.ArffLoader")
train = loader.load_file("C:/Users/Syahirah/Desktop/Train_FYP.arff")
train.class_index = train.num_attributes - 1
test = loader.load_file("C:/Users/Syahirah/Desktop/Test_FYP_prediction.arff")
# classifier
cls = Classifier(classname="weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes")
# output predictions
#print("ID - actual - predicted ")
for index, inst in enumerate(test):
#print "\n", inst
varinst = str(inst)
#print type(varinst),varinst
split_inst = varinst.split(',')
kata = split_inst[1]
semua = ' '.join(kata)
print semua
T h e
c u s t o m e r s
a r e
a l l o w e d
t o
r e s e r v e
r o o m
o n l i n e
b y
t h e
w a y
t h e y
a b l e
t o
c h a n g e
o r
c a n c e l
t h e i r
r e s e r v a t i o n
The customers are allowed to reserve room online, by the way they able to
change or cancel their reservation
你的'test'變量包含什麼?這並沒有太多的繼續。 –
@速度實例變量 – Lily
'test'變量包含具有變量的對象列表。在這段代碼中,我提取出第二個變量「word」。從單詞列表中,我想用完整的句子來表達它。我對解釋感到非常抱歉。這是不好解釋,因爲我真的是新的python。 – Lily