請看看下面的代碼:的CImage ::抽獎()畫一個黑色的畫面
// Create an empty bitmap BRGA
CImage segImage;
HDC hSeg = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
SelectObject(hSeg, segImage);
int width = 640;
int height = 480;
segImage.Create(width, height, 32, CImage::createAlphaChannel);
// Fill it from a byte array (the size is height * width * 4)
int lineSize = width * 4;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
void* dst = segImage.GetPixelAddress(0, y);
const void* src = segmented_image_data.planes[0] + y * segmented_image_data.pitches[0];
memcpy(dst, src, lineSize);
// inspecting segImage shows the actual image content
// create the destination image (resized)
CImage resImage;
HDC hRes = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
SelectObject(hRes, resImage);
int resWidth = 320;
int resHeight = 240;
resImage.Create(resWidth, resHeight, 32, CImage::createAlphaChannel);
segImage.Draw(hRes, 0, 0, resWidth, resHeight);
// inspecting resImage shows only 0x00
法傳球32 bpp就夠了。