shoot_cooldown -= 1; //Lower the shooting cooldown timer
if (shoot_cooldown < 0) then shoot_cooldown = 0 //Prevents timer from counting down further than 0.
target_distance = distance_to_object(obj_player); //Distance to the player from enemy.
if (target_distance < 64) //If player within the range of enemy
//image_angle = point_direction(x,y,obj_player.x,obj_player.y); //Enemy faces the player.
if (shoot_cooldown == 0) //If enemy can shoot (cooldown ready)
bullet = instance_create(x,y,obj_bullet); //Create a bullet relative to enemy
bullet.direction = point_direction(x,y,obj_player.x,obj_player.y); //Shoot it towards player
bullet.speed = 3; //Give it speed
shoot_cooldown = 50; //Set the new cooldown time between low and high thresholds.
我認爲你需要創建,如果牆壁確定的函數的每一個角落之間行介於'is_wall_between'之間,然後將其添加到'if'語句中,如標題所示的if(target_distance <64 &&!is_wall_between())' –
- 首先不要給他們一把槍。但是,如果你是美國人,他們喜歡武裝全世界,這不是一種選擇 - 只是一種觀察。 –