2013-08-01 122 views

我試圖用一個linq語句來解決某些問題,我不知道是否可以這樣做。 我有一個表叫的價格,與此字段:使用linq標準合併兩個表

pkey: int 
region: int? 
product_type: int 
product_size: int 
price: double 
desc: string 

獨特的關鍵是:產品類型+ product_size

我想這樣做,返回所有行的查詢WHERE區域== 17 (這是我的第一組行) 並且想要添加區域爲空的所有行 (這是我的第二組行) 但是 如果在兩個集合中存在具有相同product_type和product_size的行,我想在最終結果中只是第一組的一排。


pkey | region | product_type | product_size | price | desc 

1, null, 20,   7,    2.70, salad1  
2, null, 20,   3,    2.50, salad7  
3, 17,  20,   7,    1.90, saladspecial  
4, 17,  20,   5,    2.20, other 


2, null, 20,   3,    2.50, salad7  
3, 17,  20,   7,    1.90, saladspecial  
4, 17,  20,   5,    2.20, other 

(請注意,行與p鍵1被丟棄,因爲與p鍵3中的行具有相同的產品類型和product_size )

var query1 = from p in PRICES where p.region == 17  
      select p; 

var query2 = from p in PRICES where p.region is null  
      select p; 


  1. 如何連接query1和query2以獲得預期的輸出?

  2. 它可以完成只有1個查詢?



下面的查詢只選擇價格與區域17null,通過唯一的密鑰{ p.product_type, p.product_size }組他們。然後它檢查組是否包含至少一個區域17的價格。如果是,那麼我們從組中選擇該區域的所有價格(並且跳過null區域的價格)。否則,我們返回整個組(它只有零位區域):

var query = from p in PRICES.Where(x => x.region == 17 || x.region == null) 
      group p by new { p.product_type, p.product_size } into g 
      from pp in g.Any(x => x.region == 17) ? 
         g.Where(x => x.region == 17) : g 
      select pp; 


1 null 20 7 2.7 salad1  // goes to group {20,7} with region 17 price 
2 null 20 3 2.5 salad7  // goes to group {20,3} without region 17 prices 
3 17 20 7 1.9 saladspecial // goes to group {20,7} 
4 17 20 5 2.2 other  // goes to group {20,5} 


2 null 20 3 2.5 salad7 
3 17 20 7 1.9 saladspecial 
4 17 20 5 2.2 other 

編輯查詢工作正常,在內存(對象即LINQ到對象),但LINQ到Entitis不是那麼強大 - 它不支持嵌套查詢。因此,對於實體框架,您將需要兩個查詢 - 一個與null區域,不具有區域17價格在一組,二來獲取價格 - 從區域17價格:

var pricesWithoutRegion = 
      db.PRICES.Where(p => p.region == 17 || p.region == null) 
       .GroupBy(p => new { p.product_type, p.product_size }) 
       .Where(g => !g.Any(p => p.region == 17)) 
       .SelectMany(g => g); 

var query = db.PRICES.Where(p => p.region == 17).Concat(pricesWithoutRegion); 

其實EF執行兩個子 - 向服務器查詢一個UNION查詢。下面的SQL將生成(我刪除遞減價格列以適合屏幕):

SELECT [UnionAll1].[pkey] AS [C1], 
     [UnionAll1].[region] AS [C2], 
     [UnionAll1].[product_type] AS [C3], 
     [UnionAll1].[product_size] AS [C4] 
FROM (SELECT [Extent1].[pkey] AS [pkey], 
      [Extent1].[region] AS [region], 
      [Extent1].[product_type] AS [product_type], 
      [Extent1].[product_size] AS [product_size] 
     FROM [dbo].[Prices] AS [Extent1] WHERE 17 = [Extent1].[region] 
    SELECT [Extent4].[pkey] AS [pkey], 
      [Extent4].[region] AS [region], 
      [Extent4].[product_type] AS [product_type], 
      [Extent4].[product_size] AS [product_size] 
    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [Extent2].[product_type] AS [product_type], 
         [Extent2].[product_size] AS [product_size] 
     FROM [dbo].[Prices] AS [Extent2] 
     WHERE ([Extent2].[region] = 17 OR [Extent2].[region] IS NULL) AND 
       (NOT EXISTS 
       (SELECT 1 AS [C1] FROM [dbo].[Prices] AS [Extent3] 
       WHERE ([Extent3].[region] = 17 OR [Extent3].[region] IS NULL) 
         AND ([Extent2].[product_type] = [Extent3].[product_type]) 
         AND ([Extent2].[product_size] = [Extent3].[product_size]) 
         AND (17 = [Extent3].[region]) 
       ))) AS [Distinct1] 
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[Prices] AS [Extent4] 
     ON ([Extent4].[region] = 17 OR [Extent4].[region] IS NULL) 
      AND ([Distinct1].[product_type] = [Extent4].[product_type]) 
      AND ([Distinct1].[product_size] = [Extent4].[product_size])) 
    AS [UnionAll1] 



你山石人,它的工作奇妙 – DiegoGalo


有我與您的查詢的異常:「一個有效的與resultType可能不能從指定的'Then'表達式的ResultType中推斷出來。「這是爲什麼發生? – DiegoGalo


@DiegoGalo我已經測試了'lazyberezovsky'的查詢,它工作正常。 'expression'的風格使得這個查詢比'method'風格更簡潔。 –



//for 2 queries 
var query = query1.Union(query2.Except(query2.Where(x=>query1.Any(y=>x.product_type==y.product_type&&x.product_size==y.product_size)))) 

//for 1 query 
//the class/type to make the group key 
public class GroupKey 
     public int ProductType { get; set; } 
     public int ProductSize { get; set; } 
     public override bool Equals(object obj) 
      GroupKey gk = obj as GroupKey; 
      return ProductType == gk.ProductType && ProductSize == gk.ProductSize; 
     public override int GetHashCode() 
      return ProductSize^ProductType; 
var query = list.Where(x => x.region == 17 || x.region == null) 
       .GroupBy(x => new GroupKey{ProductType = x.product_type, ProductSize = x.product_size }) 
       .SelectMany<IGrouping<GroupKey,Price>,Price,Price>(x => x.Where(k => x.Count(y => y.region == 17) == 0 || k.region == 17), (x,g) => g) 

不錯的使用SelectMany子句,您的解決方案工作得非常好 – DiegoGalo


錯誤方法'System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectMany 的類型參數(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable ,System.Func >,System.Func )'不能從使用情況中推斷出來。嘗試明確指定類型參數。 – DiegoGalo


@DiegoGalo我更新了我的答案,所有2種方式都經過測試。 –