我不能圖出以下幾點:首先 ,我做下面讓所有的子兒:
for testCase in root.iter('testCase'):
- 我需要從最後一個子兒的一些屬性「測試用例」。但是我怎麼知道它是最後一個'testCase'。有沒有辦法數它們?
- 另外,有沒有辦法訪問第n個子孩子而不必經過iter()?
我不能圖出以下幾點:首先 ,我做下面讓所有的子兒:
for testCase in root.iter('testCase'):
>>> text = """<Root>
<Child name="child1" />
<Child name="child2" />
<Child name="child3" />
<Child name="child4" />
<Child name="child5" />
>>> from lxml import etree
>>> root = etree.fromstring(text)
>>> last_tag = root.xpath('/Root/Child[last()]')[0]
>>> last_tag.attrib['name']
直接訪問元素編號#N :
>>> tag3 = root.xpath('/Root/Child[3]')[0]
>>> tag3.attrib['name']
的內容。該元素表現爲一個兒童列表(即它也可以迭代)。有函數和迭代器以獨立的方式在文檔順序中獲取所有需要的元素(即它們的深度和子元素等等無關緊要)。 element.attrib
支持XPath的子集 - 看到結尾:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
tree = et.parse('my.xml')
root = tree.getroot() # the root element of the tree
et.dump(root) # here is how the input file looks inside
# Any element behaves as a list of children. This way, the last child
# of the list can be accessed via negative index.
print '-------------------------------------------'
print root[-1]
# Here is the content.
print '-------------------------------------------'
# If the elements could be not direct children, you can use findall('tag') to
# get the list of the elements. Then you access it again as the last element
# of the list
print '-------------------------------------------'
lst = root.findall('testCase')
# The number of the 'testCase' elements is simply the length of the list.
print '-------------------------------------------'
print 'Num. of test cases:', len(lst)
# The elem.iter('tag') works similarly. But if you want the last element,
# you must know when the element is the last one. It means you have to
# loop through all of them anyway.
print '-------------------------------------------'
last = None # init
for e in root.iter('testCase'):
last = e
# The attributes of the elements take the form of the dictinary .attrib.
print '-------------------------------------------'
print last.attrib
print last.attrib['name']
# The standard xml.etree.ElementTree supports a subset of XPath. You can use
# it if you are familiar with XPath.
print '-------------------------------------------'
third = root.find('.//testCase[3]')
# ... including the last() function. For more complex cases, use lxml
# as pointed out by Emmanuel.
print '-------------------------------------------'
last = root.find('.//testCase[last()]')
c:\tmp\___python\Sunny\so12669404>python a.py
<testCase name="a" />
<testCase name="b" />
<testCase name="c" />
<testCase name="d" />
<Element 'testCase' at 0x231a630>
<testCase name="d" />
<testCase name="d" />
Num. of test cases: 4
<testCase name="d" />
{'name': 'd'}
<testCase name="c" />
<testCase name="d" />