你好,我發現幾年前的一些非常棒的代碼可以從多行創建所有可能的組合。它工作的很好,但是當你用更多的數據嘗試它時,它會返回運行時錯誤6溢出。我對VBA很陌生,但我希望有一種方法可以分解或減慢進程以保持宏運行。我目前的數據應該會產生442,368個獨特的行,這在很大程度上屬於excel的功能範圍。我將粘貼下面的vba代碼。當您在錯誤之後點擊調試時,它會突出顯示此行:int_TotalCombos = int_TotalCombos * int_ValueRowCount
我真的很感謝任何人都可以提供的幫助。謝謝!修改Excel vba,創建多個列表中的所有可能的組合
Sub sub_CrossJoin()
Dim rg_Selection As Range
Dim rg_Col As Range
Dim rg_Row As Range
Dim rg_Cell As Range
Dim rg_DestinationCol As Range
Dim rg_DestinationCell As Range
Dim int_PriorCombos As Integer
Dim int_TotalCombos As Integer
Dim int_ValueRowCount As Integer
Dim int_ValueRepeats As Integer
Dim int_ValueRepeater As Integer
Dim int_ValueCycles As Integer
Dim int_ValueCycler As Integer
int_TotalCombos = 1
int_PriorCombos = 1
int_ValueRowCount = 0
int_ValueCycler = 0
int_ValueRepeater = 0
Set rg_Selection = Selection
Set rg_DestinationCol = rg_Selection.Cells(1, 1)
Set rg_DestinationCol = rg_DestinationCol.Offset(0, rg_Selection.Columns.Count)
'get total combos
For Each rg_Col In rg_Selection.Columns
int_ValueRowCount = 0
For Each rg_Row In rg_Col.Cells
If rg_Row.Value = "" Then
Exit For
End If
int_ValueRowCount = int_ValueRowCount + 1
Next rg_Row
int_TotalCombos = int_TotalCombos * int_ValueRowCount
Next rg_Col
int_ValueRowCount = 0
'for each column, calculate the repeats needed for each row value and then populate the destination
For Each rg_Col In rg_Selection.Columns
int_ValueRowCount = 0
For Each rg_Row In rg_Col.Cells
If rg_Row.Value = "" Then
Exit For
End If
int_ValueRowCount = int_ValueRowCount + 1
Next rg_Row
int_PriorCombos = int_PriorCombos * int_ValueRowCount
int_ValueRepeats = int_TotalCombos/int_PriorCombos
int_ValueCycles = (int_TotalCombos/int_ValueRepeats)/int_ValueRowCount
int_ValueCycler = 0
int_ValueRepeater = 0
Set rg_DestinationCell = rg_DestinationCol
For int_ValueCycler = 1 To int_ValueCycles
For Each rg_Row In rg_Col.Cells
If rg_Row.Value = "" Then
Exit For
End If
For int_ValueRepeater = 1 To int_ValueRepeats
rg_DestinationCell.Value = rg_Row.Value
Set rg_DestinationCell = rg_DestinationCell.Offset(1, 0)
Next int_ValueRepeater
Next rg_Row
Next int_ValueCycler
Set rg_DestinationCol = rg_DestinationCol.Offset(0, 1)
Next rg_Col
End Sub
這裏是我找到它的鏈接。見「Spioter」 Excel vba to create every possible combination of a Range
它是如何工作的(簡要地):首先爲每一列和每一行:它計算支持N列中所有連擊所需的總行數(第1列中的項目*第2列中的項目... *項目在N列中)
「溢出」通常意味着你已經超出了變量的大小,所以也許你有太多的行,列等等。作爲一個測試,我會將所有'Integer'變量改爲'Long'並且再次運行它看看是否能解決這個問題。 – djikay
我寫了代碼,很高興它是有用的,但它意味着不需要sql頭部的情況,因爲你正在處理sql交叉連接的記錄數量將是效率的1000倍 – spioter
請注意我原來的帖子,如果你發現這個代碼很有用,謝謝! – spioter