2016-06-16 33 views


$author = Author::with('publications')->first(); 

/** Returns something like: 

    "id": 3457, 
    "email": "[email protected]", 
    "publications": { 
     "1": { 
      "id": 240897, 
      "title": "Food left by other people at a restaurant - is it safe to eat? A comparative review.", 
      "journal": "Journal of Scrounging and Gleaning", 
      "year": 2007, 
      "pivot": { 
       "author_id": 3457, 
       "publication_id": 240897 
     "2": { 
      "id": 249196, 
      "title": "Stop picking at it - you'll leave a scar!", 
      "journal": "Proceedings of the International Conference on Nagging", 
      "year": 2008, 
      "pivot": { 
       "author_id": 3457, 
       "publication_id": 249196 




$sorted = $author->publications->sortByDesc(function ($publication, $key) { 
    // Blah blah blah not important how I sort 
    return $blah; 

$author->publications = $sorted->values(); 

按照文檔的sortBy,我需要使用values如果我想要在排序後對結果重新編號。 $sorted->values()確實似乎是一個重新鍵入,排序的列表,但即使在將其分配給$author->publications之後,$author->publications仍然具有舊密鑰。





UserFrosting\Author Object 
    [timestamps] => 
    [connection:protected] => 
    [table:protected] => author 
    [primaryKey:protected] => id 
    [perPage:protected] => 15 
    [incrementing] => 1 
    [attributes:protected] => Array 
      [id] => 3457 
      [email] => [email protected] 
      [publications] => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection Object 
        [items:protected] => Array 
          [0] => UserFrosting\Publication Object 
            [timestamps] => 
            [connection:protected] => 
            [table:protected] => publication 
            [primaryKey:protected] => id 
            [perPage:protected] => 15 
            [incrementing] => 1 
            [attributes:protected] => Array 
              [id] => 240897 
              [title] => Food left by other people at a restaurant - is it safe to eat? A comparative review. 
              [journal] => Journal of Scrounging and Gleaning 
              [year] => 2007 
          [1] => UserFrosting\Publication Object 
            [timestamps] => 
            [connection:protected] => 
            [table:protected] => publication 
            [primaryKey:protected] => id 
            [perPage:protected] => 15 
            [incrementing] => 1 
            [attributes:protected] => Array 
              [id] => 249196 
              [title] => Stop picking at it - you'll leave a scar! 
              [journal] => Proceedings of the International Conference on Nagging 
              [year] => 2008 

    [relations:protected] => Array 
      [publications] => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection Object 
        [items:protected] => Array 
          [1] => UserFrosting\Publication Object 
            [timestamps] => 
            [connection:protected] => 
            [table:protected] => publication 
            [primaryKey:protected] => id 
            [perPage:protected] => 15 
            [incrementing] => 1 
            [attributes:protected] => Array 
              [id] => 240897 
              [title] => Food left by other people at a restaurant - is it safe to eat? A comparative review. 
              [journal] => Journal of Scrounging and Gleaning 
              [year] => 2007 
          [0] => UserFrosting\Publication Object 
            [timestamps] => 
            [connection:protected] => 
            [table:protected] => publication 
            [primaryKey:protected] => id 
            [perPage:protected] => 15 
            [incrementing] => 1 
            [attributes:protected] => Array 
              [id] => 249196 
              [title] => Stop picking at it - you'll leave a scar! 
              [journal] => Proceedings of the International Conference on Nagging 
              [year] => 2008 

正如你所看到的,relations包含出版物的分類列表中,但仍保留原來的鑰匙。 attributes包含排序的重新編號的列表。當我撥打$author->toArray()時,顯然使用關係而不是屬性。因此,訣竅是迫使Eloquent變爲assign my renumbered collection to the relation

$author->setRelation('publications', $sorted->values());