2017-06-16 24 views


// test.c 
#include <stdio.h> 

#define LOG  printf 
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    LOG("Hello, my name %s, my age %d\n", "John", 30); 
    LOG("I have wife and %d kids\n", 2); 
    return 0; 


// message.txt 
LINE: "Hello, my name %s, my age %d\n" 
LINE: "I have wife and %d kids\n" 





我有點不確定你實際上問...你只是想搜索的地方LOG'使用'所有源文件?或者你是否真的想要實現一個日誌系統? –


所以你說你想記錄原始格式字符串?爲什麼? – dbush


不知道預處理器和Make,但肯定可以用腳本來完成。或者你可以寫一個'c'程序:-) – 4386427



你在找什麼是本地化,讀些關於它的東西here。如果您使用的是posix系統,那麼可以使用gettext(),請參閱manpage。如果你使用Windows,你可以看看GetText for Windows

不過,我寫了一個C++程序來生成你想要的文件,看下面的代碼。 您可以通過myProg filename logFunction來調用它,其中filename是要輸入的源文件,logFunction是例如LOG


在你的榜樣,你會被myProg test.c LOG調用它,並且將獲得:


7: "Hello, my name %s, my age %d\n" 
8: "I have wife and %d kids\n" 


// test.c 
#include <stdio.h> 

#define LOG(filename,line,...) printf(localeStrings.strings[localeStrings.lastIdx++], __VA_ARGS__) 

/* Beginning: Generated code for localization */ 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h> 

typedef struct { 
    size_t count; 
    size_t lastIdx; 
    char ** strings; 
} stringArray_t; 

stringArray_t localeStrings = { 0, 0, NULL }; 

int readLocaleStrings (const char * const filename) 
    FILE * file = NULL; 
    char * line = NULL; 
    char * str = NULL; 
    size_t len = 0; 
    ssize_t read; 

    file = fopen(filename, "r"); 
    if (file == NULL) 
     return -1; 

    localeStrings.strings = malloc (sizeof (char *)); 
    localeStrings.count = 0; 

    while (-1 != (read = getline(&line, &len, file))) 
     size_t curIdx = localeStrings.count++; 
     localeStrings.strings = realloc(localeStrings.strings, localeStrings.count * sizeof (char *)); 

     str = strstr(line, "\""); 
     localeStrings.strings[curIdx] = malloc(sizeof (char) * (size_t)(1 + read)); 
     strcpy (localeStrings.strings[curIdx], str); 

    if (line) 

    return 0; 

void freeLocaleStrings() 
    size_t idx; 
    for (idx = 0; idx < localeStrings.count; ++idx) 
/* End: Generated code for localization */ 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    LOG("test_map.txt", "7", "John", 30); 
    LOG("test_map.txt", "8", 2); 
    return 0; 


的C++程序有侷限性,它只會找到LOG("如果你想也找到LOG與空間的任何地方,如:LOG (",你必須改變這種代碼。此外,還有一些情況,比如多行消息,已被註釋掉的消息等。然後,您必須爲您的需求擴展代碼。也沒有很好的參數解析處理或錯誤檢查。此外,爲了編寫幫助代碼,需要找到主要功能。但是對於你給定的輸入文件,它可以很好地工作,並且應該指向正確的方向。使用正則表達式庫來擴展它更加簡單並且使其更加靈活將是明智的。


#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 

/* Function definition is under main function */ 
const char * getNextHelperFunctionLine(); 

std::string getExtension (const std::string filename) 
    /* get dot of e.g. foo.c */ 
    size_t posDot = filename.rfind('.'); 

    /* extract extension */ 
    std::string extension; 
    if (std::string::npos != posDot) 
     /* extension found */ 
     extension = filename.substr(posDot); 

    return extension; 

std::string getFilename (const std::string filename) 
    /* get dot of e.g. foo.c */ 
    size_t posDot = filename.rfind('.'); 

    /* extract filename */ 
    std::string name = filename; 
    if (std::string::npos != posDot) 
     name = name.substr(0, posDot); 

    return name; 

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) 
    if (argc < 3) 
     std::cerr << "Usage: " 
       << " " << argv[0] << " filename logFunction" 
       << std::endl; 

     return 0; 
    std::string infileName (argv[1]); 

    /* extract filename and extension */ 
    std::string filename = getFilename(infileName); 
    std::string extension = getExtension(infileName);; 

    /* names for generated files */ 
    std::string mapfileName = filename + "_map.txt"; 
    std::string mappedfileName = filename + "_new" + extension; 

    /* open streams for input and output */ 
    std::ifstream infile(infileName.c_str()); 
    std::ofstream fileMap(mapfileName.c_str()); 
    std::ofstream fileMapped(mappedfileName.c_str()); 

    /* string for log function e.g. "LOG(" */ 
    std::string logFun = std::string(argv[2]); 
    std::string logFunOpen = logFun + "(\""; 

    std::string lineRead; 
    size_t lineNr = 1; 

    size_t mainParanthesis = 0; 
    bool mainReturnFound = false; 

    /* Loop through whole input file */ 
    while (std::getline(infile, lineRead)) 
     /* position of log function opening e.g. "LOG(" */ 
     size_t posLogOpen = lineRead.find(logFunOpen); 

     /* opening found? */ 
     bool foundOpen = std::string::npos != posLogOpen; 
     if (foundOpen) 
     bool foundClose = false; 
     /* position of the string beginning */ 
     size_t posLogStringBeg = posLogOpen + logFunOpen.length(); 
     size_t posLogClose = posLogStringBeg; 
     /* find closing of the log function e.g. "LOG(...)" */ 
     while (!foundClose) 
      /* search for '"' and skip these if they are in the string */ 
      posLogClose = lineRead.find("\"", posLogClose + 1); 
      if (std::string::npos != posLogClose) 
       foundClose = (0 != lineRead.compare(posLogClose - 1, 1, "\\")); 

     /* closing found write map file and new source file */ 
     if (foundClose) 
      size_t len = posLogClose - posLogStringBeg; 

      fileMap << lineNr << ": \"" 
        << lineRead.substr(posLogStringBeg, len) << "\"" 
        << std::endl; 

      fileMapped << lineRead.substr(0, posLogStringBeg - 1) 
         << '"' << mapfileName << "\", " 
         << '"' << lineNr 
         << lineRead.substr(posLogClose) 
         << std::endl; 
     /* not a log function write normal code */ 
     if ( std::string::npos != lineRead.find("#define") 
      && std::string::npos != lineRead.find(logFun)) 
      /* log functions needs to be changed */ 
      fileMapped << "#define " 
         << logFun << "(filename,line,...) " 
         << "printf(localeStrings.strings[localeStrings.lastIdx++], __VA_ARGS__)" << std::endl; 
     else if ( 0 == mainParanthesis 
      && std::string::npos != lineRead.find(" main") 
      && std::string::npos != lineRead.find("(") 
      && std::string::npos != lineRead.find(")")) 
      /* found main function write all helper functions in front of it */ 
      const char * helperLine; 
      while ((helperLine = getNextHelperFunctionLine())) 
       fileMapped << helperLine << std::endl; 

      /* write main function part */ 
      fileMapped << lineRead << std::endl; 

      /* is there an opening parenthesis? */ 
      if (std::string::npos != lineRead.find("{")) 
       fileMapped << " readLocaleStrings(\"" << mapfileName << "\");" << std::endl; 
      /* in main function write first part */ 
      if (std::string::npos != lineRead.find("{")) 
       /* write opening */ 
       fileMapped << lineRead << std::endl; 

       if (0 == mainParanthesis) 
        fileMapped << " readLocaleStrings(\"" << mapfileName << "\");" << std::endl; 
      /* return statement? */ 
      else if ( 1 == mainParanthesis 
        && std::string::npos != lineRead.find("return")) 
       mainReturnFound = true; 
       fileMapped << " freeLocaleStrings();" << std::endl; 

       /* write return */ 
       fileMapped << lineRead << std::endl; 
      else if ( 1 == mainParanthesis 
        && std::string::npos != lineRead.find("}")) 
       if (!mainReturnFound) 
        fileMapped << " freeLocaleStrings();" << std::endl; 

       /* write closing */ 
       fileMapped << lineRead << std::endl; 
       /* write other code */ 
       fileMapped << lineRead << std::endl; 

    return 0; 

const char * getNextHelperFunctionLine() 
    static size_t idx = 0; 
    static const char * helperFunLines[] = 
     "/* Beginning: Generated code for localization */", 
     "#include <stdlib.h>", 
     "#include <string.h>", 
     "typedef struct {", 
     " size_t count;", 
     " size_t lastIdx;", 
     " char ** strings;", 
     "} stringArray_t;", 
     "stringArray_t localeStrings = { 0, 0, NULL };", 
     "int readLocaleStrings (const char * const filename)", 
     " FILE * file = NULL;", 
     " char * line = NULL;", 
     " char * str = NULL;", 
     " size_t len = 0;", 
     " ssize_t read;", 
     " file = fopen(filename, \"r\");", 
     " if (file == NULL)", 
     " {", 
     "  return -1;", 
     " }", 
     " localeStrings.strings = malloc (sizeof (char *));", 
     " localeStrings.count = 0;", 
     " while (-1 != (read = getline(&line, &len, file)))", 
     " {", 
     "  size_t curIdx = localeStrings.count++;", 
     "  localeStrings.strings = realloc(localeStrings.strings, localeStrings.count * sizeof (char *));", 
     "  str = strstr(line, \"\\\"\");", 
     "  localeStrings.strings[curIdx] = malloc(sizeof (char) * (size_t)(1 + read));", 
     "  strcpy (localeStrings.strings[curIdx], str);", 
     " }", 
     " fclose(file);", 
     " if (line)", 
     " {", 
     "  free(line);", 
     " }", 
     " return 0;", 
     "void freeLocaleStrings()", 
     " size_t idx;", 
     " for (idx = 0; idx < localeStrings.count; ++idx)", 
     " {", 
     "  free(localeStrings.strings[idx]);", 
     " }", 
     " free(localeStrings.strings);", 
     "/* End: Generated code for localization */", 

    if (idx < (sizeof (helperFunLines)/sizeof (helperFunLines[0]))) 
     return helperFunLines[idx++]; 
     return nullptr; /* use NULL if compiler doesn't support nullptr */ 

多語句宏體實際上是我推薦的東西。最後一個與'do ... while(0)'在一起更好。還有其他解決方案,包括使用宏將參數傳遞給執行日誌記錄的單個函數(我寧願推薦)。但目前還不清楚這是否是OP真正要問的問題。 –


@Someprogrammerdude:是的你說得對,我也改變了其他人。 –


你好@AndreKampling,謝謝,我會檢查。重要的是如何處理錯誤情況,如多行消息,消息已被註釋掉,消息有特殊的轉義字符(例如:\「)等等。 – sdao
