2016-04-15 164 views




Since the SQL Server has Event ID 17836 logged, the SQL port is open. It is more like authentication issue. Based on this articles (Configuration for querying SQL database remotely – http://www.howtonetworking.com/others/testsqlconnect2.htm ), we may have 3 fixes:

  • creating SQL login ID (recommended)
  • join the computer to the domain
  • allow anonymous connections to SQL Server 2000 or to SQL Server 2005 (don’t recommend)

MSDN forum

Perform a nslookup of the CLIENT IP Address that is listed in the error message and find out what computer it is that is connecting. Then you need to check that machine and determine what specifically is connecting to the SQL Server. You might get more infromation from doing a SQL Trace for the Errors and Warnings Event Class and have the ClientProcessID column in the trace data. When the error spikes, you might get the PID for the process that is connecting from that machine, and then you can find that process in Task Manager on that machine by adding the PID to the data displayed (View -> Select Columns).
