2014-03-28 83 views

我必須在python中執行一項任務。我已經做到了。但由於我的課程中使用的軟件是2.7版本,所以我需要從python 3.3運行我的代碼到2.7。該代碼在3.3版本中運行良好,但不在2.7版本中運行。因此,你們可以幫助我嗎? 這是我的代碼。如何將此代碼從版本3.3恢復到版本2.7

# selectRobot.py # # 2014-03-26 # 

    The output will be like below: 

    what type of robot application you like choose? 
    a) assembly 
    b) spot welding 

    Then let say the customer choose a or b, it will go to next question: 

    2.How much the load you expect for the robot to carry? 
    a) 0-2 kg 
    b) 0-5 kg 

    And so on ... 

    This is just a start ... need to continue ... 
    until finished choosing all attributes of the desired robot. 

    from __future__ import print_function 
    menu1 = \ 
    '''Please choose the type of robot application ? 
    a) assembly 
    b) spot welding 
    Please enter a or b : ''' 

    menu2 = \ 
    '''What is the max load for this robot? 
    a) 0-5 kg 
    b) 6-10 kg 
    c) 11-15 kg 
    Please enter a, b or c : ''' 

    menu3 = \ 
'''What is the reach for this robot? 
    a) 0-1 m 
    b) 1-2 m 
    Please enter a or b : ''' 

    menu4 = \ 
    '''What is the mounting for this robot? 
    a) floor 
    b) wall 
    Please enter a or b : ''' 

    def showMenuGetChoice(menu, low, high): 
    while True: 
     reply = input(menu).lower() 
     if low <= reply and reply <= high: 
      return reply 
      print("'", reply, "' was NOT in valid " \ 
        'input range ', low, '..', high, sep = '') 

modelsStr = [] # get empty list to hold models 
solns = [] # get empty list to hold all possible solution lists 
count = 0 

for i, a in enumerate(['a', 'b']): 
    for j, b in enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c']): 
     for k, c in enumerate(['a', 'b']): 
      for m, d in enumerate(['a', 'b']): 
       count += 1 
       modelsStr.append('model_' + str(count)) 

    # print(modelsStr) 

def mainLoop(): 
    robot_specs = [] # get an empty list 

    robot_specs.append(showMenuGetChoice(menu1, 'a', 'b')) 

    robot_specs.append(showMenuGetChoice(menu2, 'a', 'c')) 

    #print('So far, robot_specs =', robot_specs) 

    robot_specs.append(showMenuGetChoice(menu3, 'a', 'b')) 

    robot_specs.append(showMenuGetChoice(menu4, 'a', 'b')) 

    #print('So far, robot_specs =', robot_specs) 

    for i, lst in enumerate(solns): 
     if lst == robot_specs: 
      print(robot_specs, '==>', modelsStr[i]) 
    print('There was an unexpected error ...') 

more = True 
    reply = input('\nMore (y/n) ? ').lower() 
    if reply == 'n': 
     more = False 
     input("Press 'Enter' to continue/exit ... ") 

你不想要一個問題的答案,但你希望讓別人來完成你的任務,因此你現在得到一個-1和我的主持人標誌。 – peterh


你的縮進是*遍佈整個地方*;因爲它代表你的代碼甚至不會運行。它太大了一塊去,只是在這裏修復。 –


你的**唯一的問題是'input()'函數;你已經使用'from __future__ import print_function',用'raw_input()'替換'input()',你就在那裏。 –



您發佈的代碼(除了帖子縮進問題太嚴重了,無法手動修復)幾乎完全是Python 2的準備。您已經使用from __future__ import print_function來處理print()函數。

唯一剩下的就是input()函數;在Python 2中,input()raw_input()eval()的組合;用raw_input()代替所有input()調用,你的代碼應該在Python 2上運行就好了。