public static boolean whoareyou(String player)
boolean playerwhat;
if (player.equalsIgnoreCase("Player 1"))
return true;
return false;
return playerwhat;
java:82: error: unreachable statement
return playerwhat;
public static int questions(int diceroll, int[] scorep1)
String wanttocont = " ";
boolean playerwhat;
for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
while (!wanttocont.equalsIgnoreCase("No"))
wanttocont = input("Do you wish to continue?");
// boolean playerwhat; wasn't sure to declare here or outside loop
if (diceroll == 1)
String textinput = input("What's 9+10?");
int ans1 = Integer.parseInt(textinput);
output("That's certainly an interesting answer.");
if (ans1 == 19)
if (playerwhat = true)
output("Fantastic answer player 1, that's correct!");
diceroll = dicethrow(diceroll);
scorep1[0] = scorep1[0] + diceroll;
output("Move forward " + diceroll + " squares. You are on square " + scorep1[0]);
else if (playerwhat = false)
output("Fantastic answer player 2, that's correct!");
diceroll = dicethrow(diceroll);
scorep1[1] = scorep1[1] + diceroll;
output("Move forward " + diceroll + " squares. You are on square " + scorep1[1]);
} // END if diceroll is 1
} // END while wanttocont
} // END for loop
} // END questions
你是說在'whoareyou'方法的結尾處刪除'return playerwhat'?如果我這樣做,那麼就沒有任何東西被傳遞給'question'方法,因爲當我說我是玩家2之後回答了一個問題時,它仍然說'真棒回答玩家1,這是正確的!說'玩家2'。 – Overclock
@Overclock請參閱編輯。這與你的「問題」方法有一個不同的問題。 – Eran
非常感謝!我調整了一下你說的一些話,但它確實有效。 – Overclock